Chapter 19

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*Lisa POV*

I watched as his car sped down the road, and then I turned back to bump into someone. She caught me just before I fell.

"Gosh, Zoey! What were you doing behind me?"

"I was just watching the hint of sadness in your face as he left. It was so cute honestly, aww. I think you're falling hard, Lis" She is going nuts, I guess.

"Your theories are baseless" I walked back into the house, with Zoey on my trail, right behind me.

"So how was it? Where did he take you? I'm sure it would've been nice! Oh my god I can't even- did you kiss?! Did you make out? Did he admit that he likes you? Did you do it?!" I spluttered the water I was drinking.

"ZOEY, one question at a time please! And NO, we didn't make out, who do you think I am?"

"Okay okay sorry, where did he take you?"

"You're speaking as if this was a date or something. Anyway, he took me to a nice place, not like a restaurant or them cliché places. It was like quite natural, with a stream and birds and trees and just... it was beautiful. He arranged like a picnic for us." It was definitely one of my favourite places.

"This is so cute, I'm so happy for you. I bet you both will end up together, and I won't be chewing back my words this time, I'm sure" her eyes were glistening. She really wanted me to be with Zayn. I wanted that too, but I don't think I'm gonna admit it to anyone. Enough about me.

"What about you and Niall, eh? You both talk for hours endlessly, I've seen you texting and stuff. What's going on with you both?"

"He's such a nice guy, and he's so nice to talk to. His accent kills me, you know, it is kind of like yours? I just noticed that!" I just don't know what to do with this girl anymore.

"I think you're forgetting that I'm Irish too, how nice of you."

"Lis, I'm scared about something." She's not really someone who's normally scared of anyone or anything. I hoped it was nothing serious.

"About what?"

"Remember I told you, when I was out with Niall yesterday, we were just going to his car and then some people got pictures of us? I hid my face but I think they got a few anyway. I'm really scared that everyone will take this too far and I'm going to get hate and... I'm just not ready for it yet."

"It'll be okay." I hugged her, she looked so scared. I treat her like my sister, and if she gets hate from anyone, I'll lose it. I won't let happen. "It won't spread around too much, and they won't hate on you. It'll not be a big deal." I'm not sure of what I said, I just hope I'm correct.

"Now help me clean my room, Zoey? It's just so messy, imagine if the boys ever come here, we don't want them to see our pigsties, right?" I said, in an attempt to distract her. I couldn't stand her being nervous, I like the carefree Zoey much better.

"Sure, as long as you promise that you're gonna wear dresses more often!" I'm glad she's back to her normal self.

"I won't, now come on!" I dragged her upstairs and we got started. It's much more easier and interesting to have someone help you while cleaning. She got my bed done in five minutes, literally.

"Lis, what is this?" She held out a chain with a small silver heart pendant on it. Memories rushed back, as tears pricked at the corner of my eyes and I tried not to let them fall.


"Put me down!" I screamed and kicked and laughed, as he spun me around, never loosening his grip on my waist.

"Nope! Happy birthday, baby!" he grinned up at me, as he finally set me down and my feet touched the ground. He looked so handsome, with a plain black shirt and grey denim jeans. He never wore anything except black, white and blue shirts, which I wasn't complaining about.

He was in my room, and it was 12:30 a.m. It was my eighteenth birthday. I didn't expect him to be here at this time, but knowing Bruce, anything was possible.

"Thank you so much. I really appreciate you being here. It means a lot." I hugged him and nuzzled my face against his chest. He smelled of mint and cigs, the usual.

"I would do anything for you. I love you" Those words made me weak at the knees, no matter how many times they were exchanged between us.

"I love you too." He kissed me, and cupped my face in his hands. It soon turned heated, as I raked my fingers through his hair and his hands wandered my back. I broke it off, because Zoey was still in the house. She was in her room, sleeping.

"Turn around." He instructed me. I did as he said, and he pushed the length of my hair to my front, over my shoulder.

"What are you doing?" I giggled, as he planted a small kiss behind my ear.

He took a silver chain out of his pocket, and put it on my neck. As he fumbled with the chain while putting it on me, I noticed the small silver heart pendant on the front. It had an engraving on it, "B&L". It was beautiful.

"I- I don't know what to say. This is so perfect." I was overwhelmed. It was so thoughtful of him. He knew that I didn't like pricey gifts, I preferred meaningful ones.

"I guessed you'd like it." He hugged me, and held me like that for a few moments.

"Do you want to stay in tonight?" I whispered.

"No babe, I should get going, you really need to catch some sleep now. I'll meet you tomorrow though!"

"Okay, Bru. Good night. Thank you so much, once again." My eyelids were getting heavy, he sensed it.

"No problem. Happy birthday, love. See you tomorrow." He kissed me and turned around to leave, closing the door behind him.

As I fell back into my bed to sleep, and pulled the covers, there was a smile on my face. It was perfect, he was perfect for me.

*flashback ends*

"Lis! What happened? Don't cry!" Zoey was rocking me back and forth while hugging me.

No words came out of my mouth. "Do you wanna talk about it?"

I shook my head, I just wanted to forget all those memories and repeating them to her won't help a bit. She sat down on the bed, pulling me with her, not leaving my side for once. She didn't utter a word as she held me while I calmed down and the tears stopped. I thought all my tears were over, I'd cried so much over him, but it seems they weren't. I hate crying, especially in front of Zoey, but I couldn't help it this time. The silver chain held a lot of happy memories for me.

I couldn't help but smile about one fact though, I had the best friend in the world who would go any lengths to make me smile.

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