Chapter 8

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*Zayn POV*

Management wanted us to have a Meet and Greet with the fans for the movie, it's fine by me. Louis seemed kind of pissed off, he had planned to spend the day with Eleanor. Sometimes I catch myself wishing I had a girlfriend too. But them I realise I am better off without one. After meeting Lisa, these thoughts are again on the front of my mind, do I want a girlfriend or don't I?

Simce I had two hours before I had to go to the venue for the Meet and Greet, I thought I'd call up Danny to see of he wants to hang out. Danny is my best friend from school, and I haven't talked with him since ages, due to my busy schedule.

He answered after 3-4 rings.

"Danny, do you have any plans today? I don't have much to do for like two hours, so we could catch up?"

"Sure, I'll be at yours in fifteen! Nice to hear that you remember me", he joked and hung up.

I felt guilty, he has to fit himself into my schedule now.

I missed him, I could talk to him about everything. He has a new girlfriend, Megan. I remember she used to come to school with us and Danny had a little crush on her, it finally worked out between them. I find myself wishing I had a girlfriend yet again. What is happening to me?

Danny left after an hour and I started getting ready for the Meet and Greet. Fans could be crazy sometimes, but I love them nevertheless. It's because of them that I am what I am today.

I reached the venue before fifteen minutes, the lads were already there. I noticed Niall texting someone every two minutes. Something's fishy, he isn't someone who likes to use the phone a lot, especially when he's with us. I casually sat next to him, and started chatting with him.

He seemed distracted. I sneaked a glance at his phone while he was busy typing.

'haha I wish I could be there, it looks like you girls are having fun. It was really nice talking to you, but I have to go now. talk to you later, love. xx'

"Who're you texting?"

He dropped his phone and his cheeks were slightly tinged, I think I surprised him by my sudden question. Niall blushing? That's new.

"Um, I was texting Darragh. I miss my friends back at home", he said with a nervous look. It seemed he didn't know that I had already read his text. I decided to play along.

"What was Darragh saying?"

"He wishes he could come down to London to meet me since he's on break now." The look on his face was hilarious. One thing is for sure, Niall doesn't know how to lie convincingly.

I grabbed his phone and entered his password. Poor Niall, he trusts me way too easily. I got up from my seat and ran before he could process what just happened. I looked through his inbox and my mouth hung open. They're all from Zoey. He was texting Zoey all the time.

"Give me back my phone you lil shit!" Niall was dodging people to get to me. He uses some colourful language, that one.

I smirked and ran ahead, without looking where I was going. I heard sudden screaming from all directions, my ears feeling as if they'd burst. I had run out of the venue, to where the fans were lining up. They caught a glimpse of Niall coming behind me and the shouts got louder.

"Zayn!! Niall! Oh my god!"

"Ziall forever bitches" that one made me laugh.

Niall caught up with me and snatched his phone out of my hand, his face flushed. I chuckled and he gave me a murderous look. I wish I had some more time to read through some of the messages.

"So you and Zoey, eh? You could've told me earlier"

"We were just talking, I haven't asked her out yet and stop being a jerk" he whisper-yelled at me. I hope the fans didn't hear our little conversation, they'd practically not rest until they found out who Zoey was.

We waved at the fans and went inside. I sat next to Niall and Louis, teasing Niall whenever I got a chance. I didn't tell the rest of the boys about my discovery, I just wanted to wait for the right time. Poor Niall has already had too much for a day.

As I drove back to my flat, I found myself thinking about me and Lisa going on a double date with Niall and Zoey. What the hell was wrong with me?

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