Chapter 14

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*Lisa POV*

Zoey walked in and closed the door behind her, she hadn't noticed me sitting on the couch. She turned around and a scared look crossed her face, replaced by a fake smile plastered on it.

"Liiiiiis, so you're back from Sarah's? How's Ziggy doing now?" she came up and sat by me. If she thought I would not give her a piece of my mind, she was wrong. The bloody house could've been robbed today, she left when I wasn't at home and she didn't even inform me.

"Ziggy's better now, she is eating properly again. Where were you?!"

She flinched. "I was out for lunch with friend because I was bored, and even you weren't at home so..."

"Why didn't you inform me? I could've returned earlier. You leave and the whole house is free to be robbed. Zoey, you do understand that London is not at all crime free, right?"

"I do. It's just.. I thought I'd return before you returned. I didn't want to bother you to come home earlier."

"Okay, okay. Don't do that again, just tell me when you're going out. I was worried sick about you, why didn't you answer my calls?" I had come back to find an empty home, so I was worried about her. She's not naïve, but I treat her like my younger sister, I look out for her. She trusts people too easily, I've warned her against it so many times but she just wouldn't listen.

"I couldn't hear the calls! I promise, if I'd heard I definitely would have answered" she took her phone out, and saw 5 missed calls. She looked at me guiltily and hugged me.

"I promise I won't do it again Lis."

"So who were you out with? Was it a boy? Was it your first date? Oh my god!" now that I come to think of it, I have a feeling that it was a boy, of course.

"Um yes it was. He invited me since he wanted to hang out with me and you weren't at home, so it was a good idea."

And then it struck me. "YOU WERE WITH NIALL, HOLY CHRIST."

She put her fingers over her ears. "Stop screaming Lisa, and yes I was, so what? We're friends, surely friends can go for lunch together. It's not a big deal, see? We're just friends" she blabbered, way too fast. In one breath. I noticed she emphasized on 'just friends'. Well we'll see about that.

"Aw my baby Zoey is growing up, went on a date with Niall Horan oh my god!" I pinched her cheeks in adorable way, and didn't miss the slight blush. She blushes all the time I speak about Niall.

"Do want tissues if you're going to cry about it?" she said sarcastically. I was way too excited to retort.

"What did you guys do? Did you kiss?!"

"No we didn't, I just gave him a little peck on the cheek while leaving, that's all. And he took me to a restaurant which was near his home, so we could hang out afterwards."

"That's so cute! Why didn't you hang out with him though!" I could tell she didn't go to his home, she wouldn't be home so early if she did.

"Long story. I told him that I'd go. But as we got out of the restaurant, paps notice us and then you could guess what happened. I just wanted to come back home since I didn't want to be clicked entering his flat. I don't want people to have wrong notions about us."

"I do, did they get a picture of you though?" If they did, she's going to get hate, tons of it. I couldn't see her handling all that.

"I don't know, I think they didn't get a proper one, I hid my face in my arm, I didn't know what else to do. I hope it wasn't too late."

"It's okay then. So you and Niall, eh?"

"No Lis, we're friends for now. But I do like him. I'm sure he won't like me back though." she said, with a sad look. I chuckled, because she couldn't see that he was smitten with her. I could see that. Gosh, I feel like a granny.

"Why're you laughing? What's funny?"

"No, it's just.. wait you'll see what's gonna happen. I can definitely see you guys together." They'd be really good together. I can feel it.

"I'm hungry, I'm going to make some spaghetti I guess. You want some?" Knowing Zoey, she'll never deny food.

"Sure! I can never deny spaghetti, especially when YOU make it. You're gonna be a great cook someday. Wait, you already are!"

"Why are you buttering me?" I always get told that I'm a good cook, but I don't think so, I'm average I guess.

"Hey that was the truth!"

My phone started ringing, and I retrieve it from under the cushions. I couldn't recognize the number. I seriously hope it's not that jerk again.

"Who's this?"

"Well hello to you too, Lisa" the voice said sarcastically. It's not Bruce this time. I've heard the voice, but I can't quite put my finger on whose it is.

"I'm sorry but I couldn't recognize you.." and then it hit me. "are you.. um.. Zayn?"

There was no way he'd be calling me, I was probably imagining things. Why'd he call me anyway?

"Yeah, took you long enough! Well, how are you?"

"I'm fine, what about you?" Zayn Malik calls me up to have a casual conversation with me?

"Same here. Listen, I wanted to ask, do you want to.. um.."

"I want to what?"

"Do you want to hang out with me sometime?" he gushed. Is he nervous while speaking to me? If anything, it should be the other way round.

"Yeah I'd- I'd love to. It'd be fun I guess!" Zoey really needs to stop spying on me when I'm on phone calls, she was hearing my side of the conversation very intently.

"Then, I'll pick you up tomorrow?" Zayn Malik wanted to go out with me. Chill, Lisa, it's not like a date or anything anyway.

"Sure, but where are we going?"

"You'll know that tomorrow!" I don't usually like surprises, but I couldn't wait for whatever it'd be. I didn't push him further to spill it.

"Okay then, I've got to go to make some food, I'm dying of hunger. I'll see you later?" it came out as more of a question than a statement.

"See you tomorrow Lisa! Bye."

I hung up and Zoey let out an ear piercing squeal when I turned around.

"WHAT, Zoey?!"

"You're going out with Zayn oh my god, holy poop!"

"Yeah I am, and it'll be fun I think. But I can't understand, why'd he want to hang out with me?"

"Of course cause he likes you!" Zoey is taking this too far. He has met me like two times, that's not possible, is it?

"You keep your mouth shut and help me here in the kitchen."

"Sure sure, change the subject as much as you want. You'll see it yourself after some days." She rolled her eyes. Why was it so obvious to her? She's going crazy.

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