Chapter 21

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*Zayn POV*

I tried to hide my smile in front of the others, but it didn't work. Heading downstairs, we saw Zoey busy in the kitchen and Liam watching football on tv. That sport is like his life, from all I've seen.

Liam was too engrossed in the match to see us. As I sat down beside him and Lisa sat on the floor below us, his attention finally diverted. He looked at me, and caught me smiling about nothing. He looked at Lisa, and believe me, she had a grin plastered on her face. She looked like a kid.

His eyes widened for a moment, and then he relaxed and gave me a knowing smile. I groaned as I realised that maybe he had guessed something, and I would never hear the end of it. Trust Liam to make things awkward.

"What happened?", Lisa's head snapped in my direction. Apparently she hadn't caught our silent conversation. I'm thankful that she didn't.

"Ah nothing, I just remembered that I need to go home, I have a job to do." It was the only excuse I could come up with at that moment.

"Why, Zayn? You seem to be having a good time here", Liam emphasized on the word 'good'. I didn't want him to make a fool of me in front of her. Her eyes darted from my face to Liam's, trying to figure out our conversation.

"No Li, I really should get going, and I'm dropping you off so you have to come too."

"But why? I like it here, and I like the girls. Zoey's making dinner, come on. I'm sure you're having a nice time here with Lisa too", again he emphasized on 'nice' and 'Lisa'. I had a sudden urge to punch his face.

"Liam if you don't get your fat ass up from the couch, I'm going to have to drag you out of here", I threatened. He was intent upon making things awkward for me. I wonder how long it'll take Lisa to catch up.

"You know very well that you can't make me go anywhere when I'm watching a football game, especially when it's Man U versus Chelsea", he chuckled, adding, "Lisa, please keep him engaged while the match finishes." I knew he was doing this to annoy me.

"Um Zayn, sit down for like fifteen more minutes till his match finishes and then you guys can go, if you want to. You're always welcome to have dinner with us, though."

I sighed and sat down. I hope she doesn't feel like I'm avoiding her or I'm bored.

Her right hand moved up and grabbed my left, entwining our fingers. I mentally thanked god because she wasn't angry, rather she was being so friendly. I guess 'friendly' is not the proper term for us, I don't know what is.

Liam coughed, and Lisa withdrew her hand from mine, immediately. I swear if no one was there I'd have punched him.

"Dinner's done, guys!" Zoey came and sat on the couch.

"Thanks so much, Zoey", I said honestly. She was so friendly and inviting all the time, I was glad that Lisa had a friend like her.

"I'm starving", Liam headed to the kitchen table, and I could see his eyes widen. "Zoey did you forget that we're four people, not twenty?!"

"I guess I just got carried off a bit because I don't get to do it most of the time, Lisa takes care of the cooking."

I went to join Liam and saw the spread in front of me, on the table. Liam was right, it was definitely not for four people. "Imagine Niall's face face when we tell him that we spent time with the girls and then Zoey prepared dinner for us. And we shouldn't forget to mention that it was awesome", I told Liam. He grinned knowingly, Niall had a soft spot for food, and moreover, Zoey had prepared it.

Right then, we heard Zoey's voice from behind us. "Sorry to burst your bubble, boys, but Niall should be arriving here any moment now."

I smirked, knowing that she was missing him so this was her way of getting to meet up with him. As if on cue, the doorbell rang. Zoey hurried away to open the door. Moments later, a cheerful Niall burst into the kitchen, with Lisa trailing along behind him.

Niall had his arm slung around Zoey within moments, and I could see Lisa mentally going 'aw' upon witnessing that. To be truthful, it was cute. I was happy that my best mate finally found someone worth him, and I totally approved of Zoey. If he doesn't ask her out soon, I will make him do it.

"Niall, when we call you to meet up with us, it takes you hours to arrive. When it's Zoey, you're here in minutes." Liam was in a pretty cheery mood today, I'd rarely seen him teasing so many people in one day. First it was me, then Niall.

Why is it that whenever Zoey's mentioned or she's nearby, Niall had a small smile on his face? Oh, I think someone's falling hard.

He didn't retort anything, instead he got himself a plate, sat down and started serving himself- typical Niall. We all sat down, since it was getting late. I'd love to spend more time here, but not today.

There were dinner rolls, spaghetti with cheese balls, lasagna, vegetable cutlets, and chocolate meringue pie. I loaded my plate, I didn't care for manner anymore.

"Zoey, I never recognized the cook within you!", Lisa joked, messing her with best friend's hair.

"Yeah I just picked a few tips from you every now and then", was the thoughtful reply. I love their friendship, I think they're more like sisters now.

Thirty minutes later, we were all stuffed and ready to burst. I never knew that I had it in me to be able to eat so much. I guess I learn something new about myself everyday.

I finally stood up to leave, after having light conversations with everyone for the next fifteen minutes. I didn't want to leave just yet, but I didn't have a choice. I hoped Lisa was completely over her thoughts about Bruce, I didn't want to think of her crying in the middle of the night again.

"Zoey, can I have a word?" I needed to make sure of that.

"Sure", she followed me out the door, into the living room.

"Can you bunk in with Lisa tonight? Just give her any damn reason. She was really upset today, so I don't want her sleeping alone." I turned around to check that no one was listening.

"Okay, no problem. You know what, though? I think you care so much about her, and it seems you like her. And believe me, so does she. It would be really nice if you guys were together, you're so cute. I totally approve of you for her. There, I said it, ha." Then she hurried away back to join everyone, leaving me to my own thoughts.

I went back to the room, and practically had to pull Liam away from his and Lisa's deep conversation. I wonder what it was all about? Seems like they're getting along quite well.

"Guys, I should be going too. I had a nice time! Thanks for inviting me, love." Niall smiled at Zoey. She just went up to him and hugged him. He's a charmer.

"Bye Lis, see you soon! It was so nice to finally meet you. I'd heard so much about you from Zayn, and you're every bit of what he described." As I pointed out earlier, trust Liam to make things awkward for me.

"Um, thanks, I guess?" her words came out as more of a question. Liam just chuckled and went out the door, leaving me and her alone. Zoey was out to see Niall off.

I walked up to her. She looked so pretty, it made me weak in the knees. "Bye love, hope to see you soon." I kissed her cheek, and she had her arms around me. She looked happy, her face kind of radiated happiness. Her face nuzzled in my chest, and I patted her back. "Promise me that you won't think about him tonight and make yourself upset again. Believe me babe, he's definitely not worth it. That prick is not worth your tears."

She just nodded her head and let go of me.

How could someone ever cheat on her? She was innocent, Bruce had her heart and he should've thought about that before breaking it. He shouldn't have played with her. He's going to pay for it, someday. I will mend her broken heart, and I'll make it whole again. It will beat for me.

I walked out the door and over to where Liam and Zoey were chatting.

"Zoey, remember what I said? Please do it."

"Yes I will, Zayn, I care about her too. And you remember my words too, yeah?" She smiled at me.

"I do. Bye, see you!" I didn't know what else to say. Liam had already walked over to my car. I opened the door and got in, starting the vehicle. The ride was silent, as I was lost in my own world of thoughts.

Liam broke the silence. "You know, I really think she likes you."

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 13, 2014 ⏰

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