Fight For Love Part 1

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*Sonic's POV*

I glanced over to Shadow every once in a while to see if he was still okay, but he just had a stoic expression as he touched certain parts of his ribs. He got hit pretty hard...

'You sure that he's okay? Why don't we just make a quick stop at the hospital before going against Mephiles...' Dark said, worried.

'He'll just get mad at me...' I replied. 'Besides, we are already here...'

I looked over the eerie looking house in front of us. The wood was painted black and the windows were boarded over. Shadow let out a low growl as he walked towards the door. I followed him, my defenses high in case we get a surprise attack. Sure enough, a dark figure leaped out of nowhere, kicking Shadow in the very sore spot that Amy made. Shadow gasped out for breath as he was sent flying. I growled, instincts kicking in as I tackled the figure. Light shone down on the both of us now, allowing me to see the dark figure.

"Knuckles!?" I looked at my friend, surprised. What is he doing here?

Knuckles glared at me. "I told you not to come here."

My ear twitched as I heard groaning. My eyes widened, realizing who it was. "Shadow!"

I quickly ran to him, worry filling my heart. Knuckles followed me, looking confused.

'I swear I'm going to kill Knuckles for this!' Dark growled loudly. I ignored him, my thoughts only focused on looking for Shadow. I found him laying on a bush, blood running down his chin.

Knuckles' eyes widened as he looked at the beaten hedgehog. "I thought he was Mephiles... I'm so sorry, Shadow!"

'You better be sorry!' Dark growled.

Shadow coughed up red blood that matched his eyes before replying, "I-It's fine..."

I looked at him worriedly. "Shadow, maybe we should take you to a hospital..."

"No." He coughed out. "We are too close to just turn back." He slowly stood up, pain visible in his eyes. I don't blame him; Amy and Knuckles are both hard hitters.


"I said no." Shadow said sternly before walking to the house and opening the door. Knuckles and I followed warily. I quickly looked around the dark room in case someone else would attack Shadow. Nobody did, but I swore that I could feel someone watching us...

I glanced at Knuckles. Hope and slight fear was prominent in his eyes. I don't blame him. Silver was somewhere in here, and if Mephiles was right, then Knuckles was in for another heartbreak. I was sure that Mephiles was lying, but what if he was right...? Then I put Shadow in a lot of pain for nothing. I looked back at the one I fell in love with. What have I done...? Have I really put him in so much danger just to help someone? I should've came alone...

'Or not have gone at all.' Exe said.

'For once, I agree with Exe.' Dark said silently. 'We should have never come...'

I sighed, my ears flattening against my skull. I've been so stupid this whole time... I might not even get to tell Shadow that I love him...

"Sonic! Watch out!" I heard Shadow yell. I quickly dodged out of the way from an oncoming attack by none other than Mephiles the Dark. I growled, getting into a fighting stance. I'm not letting him hurt Shadow or Knuckles again.

You Mean... Love? [#Wattys2016] *Sonadow and Knuxilver*Where stories live. Discover now