Feelings... For My Rival?

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*Shadow's POV*

I was sitting under a tree in the park reading, when Sonic and Silver, my rivals, ran up to me yelling my name.

"Shadow!" Sonic called. My heart started beating fast when I heard him say my name. What the... why did that happen? Whatever, it's probably nothing.

"What do you two want?" I growled as I closed my book.

"We just want to hang out." Sonic said as he sat beside me. I felt my heart speed up more. Am I having a heart attack or something!? It doesn't hurt... hm... could Sonic somehow be causing this?

I just ignored it and opened my book again. I was reading and I could feel Sonic reading over my shoulder. I could feel his breath on my neck and I could feel my face heat up as my heart sped up.

"What are you reading?" He asked.

I looked at the cover. "Uh... some book called The Fault In Our Stars." In truth, Rouge and Amy told me to read it. It's just some romance book were these two people got canser and fell in love. I'm somewhere in the middle, and it's starting to get very confusing.

"I heard that was a very sappy story and movie." Sonic commented.

"It is." I shrugged and suddenly found it hard to talk to him.

"Maybe when you're done reading the book, we can all see the movie. Maybe we can bring Knuckles along too." Silver suggested.

"That sounds like a plan to me. How about you, Shadow?" Sonic looked at me.

"Uh... I guess. Rouge was going to take me, but I don't want her crying on me the whole movie." I shrugged.

I started reading again. I felt my face heat up again when I could feel Sonic reading over my shoulder again. I looked up slightly to see Silver staring at me curiously.

"SONIKKU! WHERE ARE YOU!?" I heard the annoying voice of Amy Rose yell.

"Shoot!" Sonic quickly jumped up. "Don't tell her I was here!"

"What's the matter, faker? Scared of your girlfriend?" I smirked.

Sonic glared at me. "She's not my girlfriend."

"SONIKKU! YOU CAN'T HIDE FOREVER!" Amy yelled again.

Sonic zoomed away just as Amy ran up to us.

"Shadow, Silver! Have you seen Sonic?" Amy asked us.

"Nope." Silver said simply. I just shook my head.

Amy sighed and ran off again.

"Annoying brat." I mummbled as I went back to reading.

"Uh... Shadow?" Silver asked.

I looked up at him in annoyance. "What?"

"Why were you blushing when Sonic was close to you?" He asked.

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"Well, do you like Sonic?" He asked.

My eyes widened. "No! I hate him!"

"Didn't seem like it back there." Silver grinned.

"Well, I've been feeling weird around him, but... I don't know what that means..." I put the book down. Maybe Silver knows what's going on with me.

"Describe." Silver said as he sat down beside me.

"Well, my heart speeds up when I'm around him... and my face heats up when he's close to me..." I looked down.

"Do you know what that means!?" Silver asked. I shook my head. "You have a crush on Sonic!"

I tilted my head in confusion. "Explain."

"Well, you like Sonic more than a friend." Silver explained.

"You mean... love?" I asked, fearing the answer. He nodded and I instantly got up and ran off.

No, this can't be possible!

I cannot love Sonic the Hedgehog, my rival!

*That night*
*Silver's POV*

I walked through Angel Island until I saw the glow of the master emerald. I ran up the temple and saw Knuckles peacefully sleeping beside it.

"Wake up, Knuckie." I whispered softly as I shook him lightly.

Knuckles opened his eyes and smiled as he hugged me. I hugged him back and he kissed my cheek.

"Hello, Silver." He pulled away from the hugged and kissed me. I kissed back.

Knuckles and I have been secretly dating for a while now. Every night I'd come here and visited him. We are keeping us a secret because we know that our friends wouldn't accept us.

We pulled away and I laid my head on his chest as he wrapped his arm around me. We stayed like that for a while in silence.

"So, did anything happen today?" He asked.

I smiled. "Well, I convinsed Sonic and Shadow to take us to see The Fault In Our Stars. It'll be like a double date."

"Except for the fact that Shadow and Sonic hate each other." Knuckles said, but I could tell he was still happy to go.

I grinned. "Well, I found out that Shadow likes Sonic."

"You mean..."


He laughed. "Who'd ever thought."

I laughed too. "I wonder if Sonic likes him back..."

"How about we find out." He grinned.

I kissed his cheek. "I agree."

We smiled.

"I love you." He said.

"I love you too." I replied and kissed him.



Hello my civilians!

First Sonadow story!!! Yay! ^_^
First Knuxilver story too!

I don't really ship Knuxilver, but I do have a soft spot for that couple! :3 They do look cute together!

But I do most definitely ship Sonadow though!! SONADOW FOREVER!!! :3 Don't judge me! If you don't like Sonadow or Knuxilver, then why are you even here!? Please, don't hate!!

Don't let the door hit ya on the way out! See you later my civilians!! :D!!!!


You Mean... Love? [#Wattys2016] *Sonadow and Knuxilver*Where stories live. Discover now