Who Are You?

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*WARNING: I suck at fighting scenes but this may get very... bloody... and I'm using very descriptive words... if you have a weak stomach, I suggest holding a trash can or something while you read this... ;) Now, let's continue after that cliffhanger...*

*Shadow's POV*

I saw Sonic on his knees, his hands balled up into fists. He appeared to be in pain. His fur became darker and his quills stood up. A dark purple aura surrounded him, and when he opened his eyes, they were pure white.

As he stood up, I backed away. "S-Sonic!?"

"Hey cutie. I'll talk with you later, right now, I have to beat this guy." His voice sounded deeper. He grinned as I blushed. Did he just call me cutie?

"Hm... This must be your dark side." Mephiles said. "Even you have your dark side. Or dark sides."

Sonic growled. "Yeah, I guess you could say that. But I'm not hear to talk..."

It was like he disappeared, but quickly returned behind Mephiles. 'Sonic' kicked him in the back of the head, sending him down, but he got back up... I think that black stuff dripping from his head is blood, but I'm not sure...

Mephiles growled and he faded into the shadows, only to leap out with some sword he conjured up and slashed 'Sonic's' leg. He fell to the ground, blood rapidly coming out of his leg like some waterfall. I wanted to scream his name as loud as possible, but I restrained myself from doing so. Instead I sat beside Knuckles, who was still passed out.

'Sonic' howled in pain which made my ears go down. He looked over at me and frowned. Then he stood up slowly, wincing as he did so. He growled at Mephiles and charged at him with extraordinary speed. He punched him, I don't even know how many times, really fast. Mephiles coughed up that strange black blood. It splattered all over the floor. 'Sonic' kicked him to the ground. It didn't look like he was in any pain anymore. He was still bleeding, but it seemed to slow down some.

Instead of looking at them, I looked at the blood splattered floor. This isn't Sonic... It can't be... but... who is it then? Who else could have such speed and agility...? Who could this dark hedgehog be...?

"Grr... Show yourself!" This dark hedgehog growled. I looked up to find Mephiles gone and instantly surveyed the area. Mephiles wasn't even in the shadows. He left.

"He's gone..." I said. "Probably left to heal and get to Silver..."

The dark hedgehog looked at me with a light smile. "Yeah, I see that now... Are you two okay?"

I looked over at Knuckles and nodded. I slowly stood up and walked towards him. "Who are you...? You can't be Sonic... Are you...?"

"Well, sort of..." he shrugged. "But I'll let you figure that out on your own."

He wrapped an arm around my waist and held me close. I blushed madly. "What are you doing?"

"What do you mean? I'm just showing my love."


"Yes," his face got closer to mine. "Love..."

He was about to kiss me, but stopped when he heard a soft whimper. We looked over and saw Knuckles awake and... crying? Almost instantly, Sonic was back to normal as he ran to comfort his friend.

"What's wrong Knuckles?" he asked gently, caringly, different from what he was like before.

"S-Silver..." the echidna mumbled. "He lied to me..."

"What do you mean?" I asked walking up to them.

"Silver never lied to you... he's never lied to any of us." Sonic said.

"You don't get it..." he mumbled again.

"We will if you tell us." I said.

Knuckles looked up at both of us, as if deciding something. He took a deep breath and said...

"Silver and I were together..."


You guys should be proud of me. I literally made myself sit down and type this, no matter what!

All because I love you guys and everybody will probably be mad at me if I didn't update this...

So yeah, I really suck at fighting scenes, but I'm proud of myself for this one. I could easily imagine the fighting going on and all of the blood...

But I put some Sonadow in this one! And Knuckles and Silver's secret is out!


Don't let the door hit ya on the way out! See you guys later!

Peace, love, and Sonadow forever!!!

~ Lava <3

You Mean... Love? [#Wattys2016] *Sonadow and Knuxilver*Where stories live. Discover now