What Is Going On!?

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*3rd person POV*

'Wha- Why is he kissing me...?' Shadow wondered, wide eyed as Sonic kissed him.

'FINALLY!' Dark was cheering in Sonic's mind, but Sonic paid no attention to him.

'You're enjoying this aren't you?' Exe asked.

'Yes! It seems he is enjoying it too...' Dark said.

'Mhmmm... His lips are so soft...' was all Sonic could think.

Shadow's eyes were still wide. He wasn't sure if he should kiss back, pull away, or leave him. He just let Sonic kiss him, secretly enjoying it.

'Shadow's not pulling back?' Sonic wondered. 'Does he like this...?'

'I think I like this...' Shadow thought.

*Knuckles POV*

I was running through the forest. Tails told me that Sonic was running this way.

"F-Faker... wh-what was th-that about?" I heard Shadow's voice ask. He's stuttering... Is Sonic completing the dare? Now of all times?

I hid behind a tree to see Sonic and Shadow really close to each other.

"I just wanted to kiss you, Shadow." Sonic said. Shadow's face was redder than my fur. Sonic's actually doing it! Shadow looks so defenceless! Completely different from the normal Shadow! Man, I wish Silver was here seeing-

Oh wait... Silver's gone...

This whole thing was his idea, and he doesn't even get to see it work... I miss him...

I have to get him back...

"Not meaning to break up the love fest, but something serious is going on." I said, causing the two hedgehogs to look at me.

Shadow's face grew even redder, if that was even possible, and Sonic said, "What is it?"

"Silver... He's been captured." Then I looked at Shadow and grinned. "Wow, Shadow. You are really red."

"Wait, Silver's been captured?" Asked Sonic. "By who?"

"I don't know. That's the problem... We have to get him back!" The two gave me a confused look, but then nodded.

"Where should we start?" Shadow asked, his blush finally going down.

"To Silver's house!" Sonic yelled, and ran away.

Shadow facepalmed. "Faker..."

"He's your boyfriend." I said, starting to walk.

Shadow glared and pointed a threatening finger at me. "We are NOT a couple!"

"Sure didn't look like it." I grinned and ran off, Shadow following me.

*Sonic's POV*

I waited for Shadow and Knuckles to arrive here. My mind wondered to the kiss with Shadow.

'Why did I like it so much...?'

'You like him!' Dark yelled in my head. 'Just say you do all ready! Even Exe knows it!'

'I do NOT like Shadow in that way! I just did that to complete a dare I made with Knuckles!'

'Then why did you like it?' Dark asked.

'I-I don't know...' I thought. 'I... I guess... I do like him... just a little...'

'Finally, a confession! Now, we just need Shadow to fall hopelessly in love with you!' Dark cheered.

'As if that would happen! Shadow absolutely hates me!'

'As long as you do as I say, you may get him.'

'I have a bad feeling about this...'

'Don't worry. When I'm done, you'll have him in your arms.'

'Okay, I'm trusting you Dark!'

'You won't be disappointed.' I could practically see Dark's grin.

I sighed. I hope Dark knows what he's doing...

You Mean... Love? [#Wattys2016] *Sonadow and Knuxilver*Where stories live. Discover now