Mephiles and A Completed Dare

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*Silver's POV*

I sighed as I sat on my couch. I wasn't feeling very well. I leaned back, and I heard a voice.

"Hello Silvy~" the voice said.

"Knuckles?" I wondered as I looked around.

"Nope. Guess again."

I looked around again until my eyes locked with snake-like green ones. "M-Mephiles!?"

"Ah, so you found me." He walked up to me and grabbed my wrists.

"I-I thought y-you were gone!" I said.

"I was, but not anymore~"

"W-What do you w-want with m-me?"

"That's just it." His face came closer to mine, our noses touching. "I want you~"

My eyes widened as he closed the small gap between us. I tried to shove him away, but had no avail.

He finally pulled away, and I was still trying to get away. He growled. "Stay still or else I'll hurt that red echidna."

I instantly stopped. I knew what this guy was cable of, and there was no way I wanted Knuckles hurt by him.

I could imagine him smirking, if he had a mouth, as he said. "Good. Now let's go, shall we?"

"P-please... don't hurt Knuckles..." I looked at him with begging eyes.

"As long as you do as I say." He said, picking me up bridal style.

"I-I promise... just don't go anywhere near him." I said, looking away from him.

He turned my face back to him, and kissed me again. I didn't pull away, nor did I kiss back. He pulled away and whispered in my ear. "Don't worry. Soon, you will forget all about him..."

My eyes widened. What does he mean by that? I can't ever forget the one I love! Knuckles is my one and only.

He took out a small pouch and sprinkled the powder-like substance on my face.

'Knuckles... I love Knuckles... I love...' I stopped my thoughts. Who do I love again? 'Oh, I know now! I love Mephiles!'

I snuggled my head into his chest.

"Now, let's go." He said as we disappeared.

*Knuckles' POV*

I was walking to Silver's house. He wasn't feeling well, so I decided to give him a surprise visit.

We don't really get to visit each other much. We don't want people to be suspicious, but I wish we didn't have to hide our love for each other.

I finally got there, and knocked on his door. No answer. I knocked again. "Silver!?" Still no answer.

I quickly opened the door. Surprisingly, it wasn't locked, so he has to be here. I looked around the whole house, but my love could not be found. He wasn't taken... was he?

I sat down when I realised that he had been captured, but by who? Why would someone capture him?

I felt like crying, but I couldn't allow myself. I quickly stood back up. "Don't worry, Silv. I'll find you."

With that I ran off to find Shadow and Sonic. They could help.

*Sonic's POV*

'I can't believe I agreed to this...' I muttered as I walked around a forest, looking for Shadow. He likes to come out here sometimes, and he wasn't at his house so...

'I don't believe it either.' Exe agreed. 'I thought you would back out.'

'It's the only way to make him seem submissive. You saw how he acted before.' Dark argued.

'Yeah, yeah. I know.' I rolled my eyes and finally saw Shadow, peacefully reading under a tree. He looked so different from how I usually see him. His muscles weren't tense and his eyes were half lidded, almost as if he was about to sleep. He looked so relaxed, so peaceful, so... beautiful...

'Wait, want did I just think!?'

'You like him!' Dark gasped.

'Am I the only sane one here?' Exe mumbled.

'You're anything, but sane, Exe.' I rolled my eyes. 'And, no! I do not like Shadow!'

'You just said that he looked beautiful!' Dark yelled.

'That doesn't mean anything!' I shouted back. A low growl escaped my lips, and Shadow's ears perked up as he looked around.

"Who's there!?" He asked.

I sighed and slowly walked out of my hiding spot. "Hi Shads."

"What do you want, faker?" He asked coldly, standing up and walking towards me.

"Well, uh... I, uh..." I trailed off, looking into his ruby red eyes.

'Do it already!' Dark shouted in my mind.

I sighed. "I just wanted to do this."

He gave me a confused look, and my lips met his.

'I'm kissing Shadow...' I thought. 'And I think I like it...'



Sorry!! Please don't hurt me!

Anyways... do you guys like my new cover? I think it looks better than the last one.

I love all of your comments! They make me feel good while my life is sucking, so thank you!

Oh, and guess what's coming up?



Don't let the door hit ya on the way out! See you later my civilians! <3


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