A Dare From Knuckles

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*Sonic's POV*

I think I lost her. Thank God! I've been running all night!

I ran into Club Rouge to see Knuckles and Silver talking. They both saw me and smiled.

"Hi Sonic." Silver greeted.

"Hi Silver! Hey Knucklehead." I sat down beside them.

"Sonic." Knuckles glared at me.

I just smiled confidently. "So, what'cha been talking about?"

"Have you ever seen Shadow acting submissive or defenseless before?" Silver wondered.

I thought for a second. "Nope. Just normal grumpy and tough Shadow."

"I bet you can't make him like that." Knuckles crossed his arms and smirked.

"Is that a challage?" I smirked back.

Knuckles still held his smirk. "I dare you to make Shadow seem defenseless and submissive by the end of this month."

"You're on, Knucklehead! I'll go find him right now!" I said then ran out.

How am I going to do this...?

*Third Person POV*

Silver and Knuckles high fived.

"Nice job, Knuckles." Silver smiled.

"That was easier than expected." Knuckles smiled back.

"You wanna spy on them?"

"You know me so well."

With that, the secret couple ran out of Club Rouge to follow Sonic.

Meanwhile, Shadow was sitting on the roof of his house, reading. His mind was on Sonic though.

'What am I going to do? I can't be in love with my rival! Maybe if I ignore him these feelings will go away...'

His thoughts were interrupted by Sonic's voice. "Hey Shadow!"

The ebony hedgehog jumped slightly. He mentally slapped himself for not being on guard. He looked down where Sonic was on the ground. "What do you want, faker?"

Sonic was a little surprised that Shadow didn't sound harsh or threatening. Nonetheless, Sonic climbed up to the roof and sat beside Shadow... a little too close for the crimson striped hedgie's comfort. He scooted away, but Sonic followed.

"Well, I was just wanting to hang out. Maybe go on a race or something?" The blue hedgehog asked hopefully.

Shadow quickly searched for a way out of his offer and looked at the sun. It was setting.

"Maybe later." He replied. "I'm a little tired and it's getting dark." With that, the ebony hedgehog jumped off the roof.

Sonic looked at the setting sun with his ears down in a disappointed way. 'Why am I so disappointed?' The azure hedgie wondered as he jumped from the roof. 'I'm just trying to complete a dare...'

But, as he jumped, he landed on something soft... or someone...

He looked down and Shadow was right there, with a red muzzle. Sonic landed right on Shadow.

"Sorry Shadow!" Sonic quickly jumped off him.

Shadow was frozen for a second before getting up himself. His blush never faded though. "You better be sorry, faker!" Then, he quickly stormed into his house.

'Was Shadow... blushing?' Sonic wondered as he started walking away.

When he walked away, Silver and Knuckles jumped out of the tree they were hiding in.

"Did you see that!? Shadow was blushing!" Silver whispered excitedly.

"Never thought I'd see the day." Knuckles grinned. "Shadow really does like Sonic."

"Told you." Silver grabbed his lover's hand. "Now let's get out of here before Shadow finds us out here and kills us."

With that, the two ran away to Angel Island.


*Shadow's POV*

'What just happened!? Was I blushing!?' I mentally slapped myself.

I can't believe that just happened! He landed right on top of me! It's a good thing that I could mask my actual feelings! Did he notice my blush?

'Of course he noticed! He was right on top of you! How could he not notice!?' I was freaking out.

I'm so screwed...

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