Teaser For Resurrection

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"Dark, do you really think he's ready to know?"

"I know he's ready. It's time for the dreams."

"What if he can't handle it?"

"After what he's been through, I'm positive that he's ready..."

"What!? You can't remove him from life support!?"

"I'm sorry, Mr. Hedgehog, but he hasn't been responsive since you brought him in three weeks ago..."

"I can't lose him!"

"I'm trusting you, Eggman... Save him..."

"I will. He is technically family."

'What are these strange dreams...? Was that... Exe in there? Who was that girl...?'

'Her name was Meridith...'

"Why did you have to leave me, Silver...?"

"I just couldn't return without an appropriate amount of energy."

"The past of your ancestors may give you a way to get Shadow back!"

"Sonic!? Why are you acting so strange!?"

"I don't love you, Amy!"


"H-Help... me..."

"I will, Shadow! No matter what!"


On the edge of your seat? (Probably not...)

Then watch out for the sequel of You Mean... Love?


Coming out: Surprise date!

Can't wait to see you fans there!

You Mean... Love? [#Wattys2016] *Sonadow and Knuxilver*Where stories live. Discover now