Fight For Love Part 2

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*Shadow's POV*

"I love you, Sonic..." I said, tears streaming down my face. I heard footsteps run towards me then stop. I knew that it was Knuckles and Silver, but I didn't acknowledge them, too busy sobbing into my dead crush's pale, non moving chest.

Mephiles cackled. "I warned him, but he just had to try and stop me. Now, it's time to kill you two! Silver, step away."

"No." Silver's voice rang out with confidence.

*Silver's POV*

I am done with being afraid of Mephiles. Ever since I first met him, he's told me what to do because he knew of my fear. Now, hearing Shadow's sobs and with Knuckles beside me, I felt more than mad.

But before I could do anything, a dark blue blur tackled Mephiles to the ground.

"Sonic!?" Knuckles, Shadow, and I yelled out in confusion. Sure enough, there he was, but he looked... different.

His head turned to us, and I almost gasped in fear. Instead of his usual emerald eyes, there was red with a backdrop of black. Running down the demonic eyes, like tears, was blood. His gloves were torn, revealing sharp claws that made a shiver of fear rack through my body. I could see that his teeth were sharp with chunks stuck in them, and I wondered for a second if that was flesh. That stayed as a question that I didn't want an answer to.

Mephiles pushed the strange Sonic away, amusement clear in his eyes. "Ah, the mass murderer has finally come out to play."

"Can it, Mephiles! I'm here to fight!" The dark hedgehog growled, standing in front of us protectively.

That only caused Mephiles' amusement to grow. "Are you protecting these mortals, Exe? I thought that you were above them all. Although there was Meridith-"

Before he could continue, Mephiles was pushed back into the wall, it cracking around him.

"Don't you dare speak of her!" This 'Exe' guy shouted, venom dripping from his voice. He then turned his cold eyes to me. "You! Future boy! Take him!"

I quickly nodded and used my psychokinetic abilities to hold Mephiles in place. The Sonic look a like fell to his knees and panted a bit before turning to us. The hole that Mephiles made in him was still there, and it made me sick to the stomach. That was why he was panting...

He looked at me. "I don't have enough energy to kill him, but you do. You know exactly where to take him."

My eyes widened a bit before I nodded. Then, he winced and looked at Shadow, taking a deep breath. "Sonic... wants to tell you that he loves you... more than anyone could ever imagine. Even if you never see him again..."

Then, he fell to his knees, his features turning back to the Sonic we all know and love. A small smile was shown on his face before he took his final breath for a second time, and completely fell to the floor. Shadow ran up to him, tears in his eyes. I couldn't watch anymore. Besides, I had business to take care of.

My psychokinesis had a strong grip on Mephiles as I closed my eyes and concentrated. In a flash of light, we were gone. Back home.

The future.

Mephiles growled at me. "What are you doing!?"

"Something I should have done a long time ago!" I shouted, hovering him over a chemical plant, where a nice, big bucket of chemicals were waiting to destroy him bit by bit. "Be prepared to die by the very chemicals that created you!"

Then I dropped him.

And looked away, not wanting to see his painful demise...

I gently floated down to safe ground and fell to my knees.

You Mean... Love? [#Wattys2016] *Sonadow and Knuxilver*Where stories live. Discover now