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I left the coffee shop completely flustered. My original plan to meet with her was so that I could break up with her. If I do that now, I will seem like a complete ass. I am not happy being with her. She should understand that. I hope that she does. 

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K texted me that she was in the park by her house, so I met her there. She was sitting on one of the swings, looking at all the little kids running around the playground. I slightly smiled as I walked up to her and sat down on the swing next to hers. "Hey." I quietly greeted. 

"Hi." She looked like she was off in her own world. "Remember when we were that little and free to do whatever we wanted with no consequences? The world was so simple for me then." K smiled at the little kids playing. I guess now is the worst time to break up with her, but it needs to be done. 

"K, can I talk to you for a minute?" 

She seemed taken off guard by my gentle tone of voice. "Sure," she said with a slight smile on her face.

I took a deep breath. "K, I know that this is not the best time for me to do this, but I need to do it now or never." Her smile faltered a little at my words, she knew what was coming. "We need to break up. I am so sorry. It's just that, I'm not happy in this relationship anymore. I hope you can understand."

K let out a humorless laugh and looked up at the sky. As I was getting up from the swing I heard her whisper "Worst day ever."  

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