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"If I'm not back within the next hour, call the police."


Two hours have passed. Reg started to freak out. I told him not to worry about it and she was probably just messing with us. I told him that he should crash on the couch and I will call her. Within minutes, he was sprawled out on the couch and snoring. I called Kayla's phone; no answer. I tried again; this time, it went straight to voicemail. Where are you Kayla?

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My head is throbbing. Nothing feels real. I don't remember that much of what happened. All I know is that everything went to chaos in seconds. I check myself to make sure that everything is okay. My left wrist is in a lot of pain. There is a large scratch on my collarbone that is burning and itching. It could be infected. I don't know where I am or what time it is. The sky is dark. It could be night or about to rain. I stand up slowly. My right right knee buckled and I momentarily lose my balance. I lean against the wall, my vision cloudy. How did this happen? Everything was fine before. 

This is all his fault.

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I called her and asked her to come and meet me. She did not want to at first, but with a little -persuasion- she easily agreed. 

Now, I am sitting at the coffee shop, the place where I thought that I broke her heart, awaiting her arrival. I blew on my black coffee, sending a puff of steam into the air. The little bell above the door rang, signalling that someone had entered. I looked up and my eyes met with hers. A small smile was on her face and I gave one in return. I gestured for her to sit across from me. She took a deep breath before slowly walking over to my table and sitting down. She sat down and immediately looked at her hands as they fiddled on her lap. I smirked at her nervous actions; this was going to be fun. "I told you I'd be back."

And back I am.

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