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I woke up with the sun shining on my face. It was warm and caused a shiver to course through my freezing body. Why was I so cold? I reached out for my blanket to be met only by the tickling of grass. My eyes instantly shot open revealing the blue sky and sun. How did I get outside? I turned my head looking around. I had no idea where I was. Lucas was also lying on the ground not too far away from me.


No answer.


Still no answer.

I took off my shoe and threw it at him, hitting him right in the back. "Oww. What was that for?" He slowly sat up rubbing his eyes. When he finally opened them he looked just as shocked as I probably did. "Kayla, how did we get outside?"

"I was hoping that you would know."

"Let's just get back home and change. Them maybe we can figure out whatever it is that happened last night."

Lucas's car was badly parked not too far from where we woke up. The entire ride back I was trying to remember what had happened.

Diner. Heart tattoos. Intense stare. Why Can't I remember anything else?!

"We didn't drink last night did we?" I asked.

"No. I remember that we went to the diner and we were talking about stupid stuff but that's it."

"Maybe we should go back to the diner and see if it triggers any memories."

"To the diner it is."

➳  ➳  ➳  ➳  ➳  ➳

When we arrived at the diner, the waitress we had last night was at the hostess stand. "Oh great; you two are back. Please don't order any pink lemonades. You two can't handle the amount of sugar we put in those."

"We had pink lemonade?" Lucas asked the waitress, who's name was Betty.

"Oh ya. There were probably about twenty between the two of you. And trust me, the results weren't pretty. Would you like to see the security camera video feed of you two?"

"Yes please."

"Alright. Follow me."

She led us to the staff room where there was a monitor with video feed of what was going on in the diner. Betty sat down in the desk chair and took out a vhs labeled 'crazy kids with sugar'. We couldn't have been that bad.

I was wrong. Very, very wrong. We were worse than possibly imaginable.

After drinking a few drinks, Lucas stood up on the table and started to badly scream the words to love story by Taylor Swift. I laughed so hard my cheeks hurt; that is until I saw what happened next.

I got up and started dancing with a short fat man, while repeatedly kissing his bald head. The worst part was, he looked like he was enjoying it.

The video kept getting weirder and weirder until we were asked to leave by the manager.

"Ok. We are never drinking pink lemonade again." I said, still embarrassed from the video.

"Deal," said Lucas, "and we are never telling Reggie about this."

Then Betty suddenly asked, "Is he the redheaded kid that sometimes comes here with you?"

"Yes. Why?" Lucas looked confused and terrified as to what she was going to say next.

"He came a few hours ago. He was looking for the two of you and I showed him the video to see if it helped him figure out where you kids went."

"We're screwed."

"Yep." I agreed.

➳  ➳  ➳  ➳  ➳  ➳


"That video was priceless! I can't believe you two got so hyper. Love story? You know the words to a Taylor Swift song? That is the most amazing thing ever. What did that guy's head taste like? You kissed him at least thirty times. Aww man. I wish you would have invited me. That would have been an internet sensation if I would have been there."

"Reg, enough. We get it. Let Kayla go take a shower now and wash that guy's head off her lips."

"Shut it Taylor Swift."

"Darling, I'm a nightmare dressed like a daydream."

I burst out laughing at the same time that Kayla walked out of the room, shaking her head at how stupid Lucas is sometimes. When my laughter died down, I sat there smirking at Lucas.

"So Miss Swift, how are you today?"

"Will you please drop it man? If you don't, we are never ever getting back together." Now Lucas was the one who was smirking.

"Alright, I will; for now."

"Thank you."

"You really like her don't you?"


"The whole time I was talking, you were looking at her. You've been different since she came back. It's nice. You should tell her how you feel."

"No. It will mess up our friendship. Besides, I know she doesn't like me like that."

I was thinking the same thing that he was,

Or does she?

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