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It is now Saturday, which means that is has been exactly one week since my parents, more specifically my mom, kicked me out. This week has been the happiest week that I've had in a long time. Lucas, Reggie, and I went to the park to make a plan of revenge against my parents. Being the unclever people we are, the plan was going to be simple: Step one, egg the house; Step two, put toilet paper all over the yard. Easy and simple; which means that it is time to act.

Lucas quickly went to the store to pick up eggs, Reggie got some black clothes for us to wear, and I just sat in the park, relaxing in the cool evening breeze.

Lucas came back within half an hour with a big black bag filled with eggs. Soon after Reggie came and handed me a black hoodie to put over my white sweater. I was already wearing black jeans and black converse, Lucas was wearing a dark navy blue t-shirt, jeans, and his black converse, and Reggie was wearing what can only be described as a cartoon burglars costume.

After Lucas and I got our giggles out at the sight of Reggie, the plan was in action. I was holding the bag and we slowly made our way down the street. When we got a few houses away, we took off running.

Suddenly, Lucas grabbed my arm, pulling me to a stop. I turned to face him and Reggie sat down on the ground panting. "Someone's out of shape." I laughed at the red faced Reggie.

"Kayla, are you sure about this?" Lucas asked, uncertainty clear in his eyes.

"Since when are you afraid to do something that was a terrible idea?" I looked at Lucas with a serious expression. Reggie burst out laughing and Lucas bent down and hit him on the arm.

"Good point." The three of us took off running. I was leading at first, but with the strain of the heavy bag I was carrying weighing me down, Reggie quickly took the lead, while Lucas grabbed my hand pulled me along side him.

"Car!" Reggie yelled as he dived into a nearby bush. Lucas and I laughed at his ridiculousness. When the headlights of the passing car no longer illuminated the dark, Reggie came out of the bush and dusted himself off. Lucas released my hand from his and grabbed the bag. He let go, so why do I still feel like his hand is holding mine? Reggie swiftly ducked under the window of my parents house. Now, it was time for the bombarding.

Lucas walked over until he was next to Reggie and opened the bag. "Remind me why we are doing this again?" He asked as I made my way to the porch of the house. He looked vulnerable, worried, a look I have only seen him wear once-the night we were arrested. Reggie smacked Lucas' arm this time, slightly laughing at his face.

"I am doing it for revenge. You two, well,  I like to believe that you are great friends are doing it for me but in all actuality, I'm forcing you to help."

Suddenly, the door to the house opened right in front of me and I froze. I saw a clump of messy red hair appear, glowing in the light sweeping out from inside the now open door. My mom was sticking her head out. After it was fully emerged, she looked directly at my face. "Kayla, what are you doing here?"

I let out an exaggerated groan as I heard her voice. She sounded like she cared, like she wasn't the reason that I was living with the Harrison's.

"Hello mother."

She looked horrified.

"Kayla. Why are you dressed like that? What's Going on?"

I looked to the right, where Lucas and Reggie were still crouched under the window. I don't think that she has seen them yet. I looked back at my mom and gave her a fake smile. "I was just playing baseball with some friends and forgot that I got kicked out of this house by my wonderful mother."

"I know you were here the other day. I went to look in your room, and saw that all your things were gone. Care to explain why?"

"They are my things. I can take them if I want to. After all, I did get kicked out of here by you so I thought I would get them while I was in the neighborhood."

"Where have you been staying pumpkin?"

"Don't you dare call me that. You lost any right to call me that when you kicked me out last week!"

She looked at me full of sadness. I didn't care. She did this to me. This is her fault, not mine.

"It's time for us to go. Goodbye mother."

And then I turned on my heel, Lucas and Reggie quickly catching up to me, making sure my mom didn't see their faces.

"Bye Kayla. Bye Lucas and Reggie."

And then I flipped her off as the three of us walked back to the park to get Lucas' car. So much for revenge.

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