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Thank you for being patient during all of the revisions of the old chapters. I hope you enjoy this brand new chapter. :)



This is all his fault.

➴Two Hours Earlier➴

I was sitting in my room, when my phone buzzed. I checked the contact name- Ryan. I hesitantly checked the message.

'Hey K. Meet me at the coffee shop in fifteen. I have some news that I think you would like. -R'

Unsure of how to answer, I sat staring at the message, when another one came through.

'Stop staring at the phone or I will come up to that house and drag you down here myself. And I won't be nice about it. 😏'

That's all it took for me to shoot off of the bed and rush around to get dressed. I grabbed my bag and a few other things then ran down the stairs. Keys. I need my keys.

I rushed past Lucas and Reggie looking all over for the keys. Where could they be? I clutched whatever I was holding tighter in my hand as I began to get nervous that Ryan would come here.

"What are you looking for K Bear?" Reggie suddenly asked.

"My keys. I need my keys. Have either of you seen my keys?" I continued to look all around. Where are those stupid keys.

"Kayla, are you okay?" Hearing Lucas' voice calmed me down a bit, but I still had to find those keys.

"Yeah. I'm fine. Just fine. Why?" I was staring at Lucas very confused. What was he going on about?

"Look in your left hand." He finally said.

My eyes slowly trailed down to my left hand, realising that the object I was tightly holding was, in fact, my keys. "Oh." I loosened my grip on them and looked back up, my eyes darting between Reggie and Lucas. "If I'm not back within the next hour, call the police."

Reg was about to laugh, when he saw the serious face I was making. "I'm serious." I looked at Lucas one final time, a sad look on my face, before I walked to the front door and left.

I quickly got in my car and drove down the street to the coffee shop; walking would take too long.

I parked my car and ever so slowly, got out and walked into the building. The little bell above the door rang, signalling my entrance. I looked around and my eyes met with his. I put on a small smile and he gave one in return.

He gestured for me to sit down across from him. I took a deep breath before slowly walking over to his table and sat down. Immediately, I began to fiddle with my hands as they sat on my lap, not looking at him.

"I told you I'd be back." The smug tone of his voice made me want to slap him, but I didn't, being that I was curious to hear what he had to say to me.

"What do you want Ryan?"

"This place is boring." He dodged my question as he abruptly stood up. "Let's go for a walk."

He saw my hesitancy, so he placed his hand on my shoulder. "You'll be fine." He smirked. Something told me that this was not a good idea.

But I got up and followed him anyway.

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