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Lucas wasn't lying when he said ten minutes. In fact, I'm about 95% sure that he got to the park in less.

After parking his lamborghini in the lot, he walked over to the swing next to mine and sat down. Neither of us said anything, just sat there in silence for a few minutes. Then, I looked over at him.

This was the first time that I've seen him since the night my mom followed me to see him and Reggie. That was a few years ago. He looked so different. His hair wasn't dyed black anymore; it was his natural blondish-brown color. He had it a little longer on the top and shorter on the sides, the way I always told him he would look good if he had it. And boy was I right. It was messy, like he just got out of bed. The way it was made his large eyes pop.

He now had large arm muscles and probably some in other places too, that suited him. He left his face shaven and clear of any facial hair. His clothes were simple too; his classic white t-shirt and blue jeans with well worn in black converse. I was done studying him for now and looked up into his eyes. He was studying me as well.

"Hi." Was all he said as he started to kick back and forth, swinging.

I responded with a slight laugh as I started to swing too.

He was silent for a minute before asking, "What's wrong?"

"How did you know something was wrong?" I was trying to stall. As much as I wanted to tell him how horrible my day had been, I wanted to talk about other stuff first.

"We haven't talked and then suddenly you call me. By the way, Reg got really jealous that his precious K Bear didn't call him. Now spill."

I took a deep breath and then slowly told him everything that happened to me today. When I was finished, he shook his head while laughing, no humor showing. "I always hated your mom." I laughed at this. "I would like to say that I'm surprised, but I saw that coming from your mom. What did your dad say?"

I looked down, ashamed of everything that I had done to loose my parents love. "I'm assuming that he said the same thing."

"Are you okay to drive?" Lucas asked me out of the blue, nudging his head in the direction my car was parked.

"Yes?" I questioned.

"Follow me back to my house and you can chill with me. I will even kick Reggie out if you'd like."

I laughed at that. "Nah. He can stay but only if he doesn't call me K Bear. As soon as he does it, you better kick him out. Promise?"

Now Lucas was laughing. "Okay. I promise."

And then he got up and walked over to his car and I followed him even though I knew the way since we always used to hang out there years ago. I also had to pass his house all the time since we used to live on the same street, you know, before my parents kicked me out.

➳ ➳ ➳ ➳ ➳ ➳

Lucas talked to his parents and told them what had happened. Mrs. Harrison told me I was welcome to sleep in the guest room. Reggie didn't call me K Bear until after Lucas was out of hearing range and there was no proof that he had done so.

Lucas and Reggie helped me come up with a plan to get my things from my room without having to see my so called parents.

One by one, we were going to sneak over, climb up the side, go through my window, fill duffle bags with my clothes and such until I had everything I wanted or needed. I thought it was a stupid plan so I was happy when I realized that the window was locked.

We all but gave up hope on sneaking in, when Reggie decided to use binoculars and watch to see when my parents leave the house. Within minutes, he motioned us over to look through the binoculars and see that they were leaving; my mom was probably dragging my dad to a celebratory dinner because they finally got rid of me. If we were going to break in somehow, now was the time.

While the boys came up with crazy unrealistic plans, I went on a mission looking for my bag. I was almost certain that I had a house key on the loop of my key ring. I just needed to find it. After looking, everywhere, I realized that I left the bag in my car. I went to my car, but realized that I couldn't get in it without my keys. Where had I put them?

As soon as I closed and locked the door to the Harrison's house, safely back inside, I heard two voices call my name at the exact same time. Oh great, what now?

"Kayla!" Lucas yelled when I appeared in his doorway. "Will you explain to Reg that his idea is stupid and that there is no way that we could somehow get on your roof, climb down the chimney Santa Claus style, fill our bags, and then climb back up the chimney and somehow get off of the roof?" I was leaning against the doorframe, wondering what was the matter with Reggie.

"Lucas?" I asked in a quiet, almost shy voice.

He looked up at me from his sitting position on the floor. I saw his eyes change from amusement of making fun of Reggie to sadness when he looked at me.

"Reg, give us a second." Reggie listened to what Lucas had said and got up, leaving the room. I slowly walked toward Lucas as Reggie closed the door, giving us privacy. "What's up Kayla?"

"Everything is a mess. I dragged you, your family, and Reggie into my crappy life. There is no point anymore." I broke down, yet again, into tears.

"Hey. Hey. Calm down." Lucas wrapped his arms around me, rubbing soothing circles on my hip. I buried my head into the crook of his neck. "You didn't drag us into this. I decided to go get you and bring you to my house. My parents decided to let you stay. Reg, well, Reg just wants the old gang back together. You didn't drag us into anything. It was all us."

I nodded and slowly pulled away from the soothing embrace. "Do you know where my keys are?" I asked.

"You are staying right here young lady!" Lucas said in a stern voice, while pulling me back into a hug.

"I know I am. I have an idea on how we could get my stuff, but I need my keys and I can't find them anywhere."

Lucas grabbed something off of the floor next to him, without letting me out of the hug. "Here. I found them on the kitchen counter and I brought them here so they wouldn't get lost."

I took the keys from him and let go from the hug. Lucas whipped the tears from under my eyes with his thumb and kissed my forehead. "Now what sugarcookie?"

I laughed at his nickname for me. He gave it to me when we were about nine.

"We get my stuff back."

➳ ➳ ➳ ➳ ➳ ➳

The three of us got into Reggie's truck and drove to my parents house with big duffle bags. I had the front door key, so I unlocked it and we went in, gathering my clothes, money, anything I needed.

➳ ➳ ➳ ➳ ➳ ➳

I've been living with the Harrison's for about six days now. Lucas, Reggie, and I acted like we used to together, except less illegal things. I forced them to take me shopping for new clothes after they ruined mine with red dye. Stupid, immature idiots.

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