June 17/ 2015

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Dear Dad,

I found this internet meme called Courage Wolf. It's pretty much what it sounds like- a picture of a wolf with a courageous quote on the picture. I like a lot of them and I thought you might as well. So, here's some of my favorites:

"What's the best that could happen? Make it happen!"

"Fear of rejection is worse than rejection!"

"Pain is temporary, glory is eternal!"

"Life getting tough means God is afraid of your progress."

"If you never give up, you never lose."

"Nothing to lose means nothing but gain."

"Reach the finish line. Keep going!"

"Know your limits by  reaching them!"

"Live for your cause. Dying is the easy way out."

And my most favorite one:

"Not sure if your idea is unique? Who cares!? Make it happen!"

Yeah.. I like Courage Wolf. It makes me feel courageous and determined.

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