July 18/ 2015

8 0 0

Dear Dad,

We went to Toronto Zoo yesterday. It was kinda cool getting to see all the animals! It would've been more fun if our neighbors kid wasn't there with us...

I know it's wrong to get jealous of an eight year old, but I can't help it- especially when you don't. You let her climb on you when you're sitting on the couch watching tv even though she really shouldn't because she's disturbing you and you're back always hurts afterwards..

I think if me or my sibling had done that at her age, we'd have gotten yelled at; been told that we're too old to climbing all over you like she does. I feel like you're way more lenient with her than you've ever been with us because she's not your kid and you're only being nice to her. I don't care for either reason. You wouldn't let us get away with it, why should she be allowed to!

I mean, I kinda feel bad for her too, considering how her parent seems, but it's running out. Why can't you see that they're taking advantage of your kindness? 

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