March 6/ 2015

11 2 0

Dear Dad,

I remember that it was Jessi who'd taught me how to tie my shoes by making two 'bunny ears' and knotting them together or whatever. I was slow at it and you got upset about it one time and had frustratingly asked who taught me how to tie my shoes. I told you and you went really quiet. I guess you just didn't expect that answer? You were probably guessing it was Mom, and not Jessi..

I had tried to learn how to tie my shoes the other way, but I just wasn't getting it. Then Jessi showed me another way to do it. I think that's something every parent should do- know more than one way to teach your kid something. If your child doesn't understand the first way, try it a second way. If they're not understanding it at all, keep calm and keep it as simple as possible for them. And keep trying!

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