September 30/ 2015

8 0 0

Dear Dad,

I really should tell you guys (you and Mom) that I want to be a writer. Ah, an author( I already write, so I'm already a writer). But then you guys would ask me what I'm doing to become that/get a book published, and all I have to say is "writing and posting it on the internet.." I need to promote myself more, but that involves being social, doesn't it?

What if you guys don't agree with me wanting to be an author? What if you guys don't see it as a 'real job' or that I might not make it as an author or see it as something to do on the side- as a hobby?

I'd like for you guys to be supportive of it and offer your help should I need/want it, but what if you guys don't? I mean, I'm an adult now, so it's up to me to figure out my future, but I'm not sure where to start other than to keep writing and uploading it onto my sites and accounts on the internet...

I feel like being  an author won't be good enough. There'll be a long time where I won't be making anything as I write my story and even if I do get my work published, there's no guarantee that I'll be able to support myself off of it.

I've been thinking, lately, of maybe printing off the chapters of that story I have (I've got quite a few of them typed up and saved on my laptop) and letting you guys read them to see what you think, but then I'd have to tell you that I want to be an author, or.. it's at least be obvious..

People on this one site I have an account on say to others that you just need to brave; that it's okay to be nervous but it's your choice in the end. It's not like I'm 'coming out of the closet' about my romantic preferences (I'll leave out what it is for the sake of not making this letter any weirder), but I guess I'm still coming out about being 'a closet writer who wants to be a full time writer/author'.. I want to tell you guys, but I'm not a brave person!I'm a follower- an introvert!

I get worse than a high-school girl confessing her love to her crush if I need to speak my mind.. 

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