August 20/ 2015

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Dear Dad,

Everyone was in this dream. I was me, but I knew what this other girl was; what she was planning. Well, I understood her intentions, but didn't really.. comprehend them.. It worked out in her  favor. She was playing the part of a friend to our family but was actually supposed to kill us all.

We had made tea from these pale, yellow flowers I had found but the family friend ((whose name I found out was Larissa at the end of my dream) she had long, chestnut hair) came over to visit. When we offered her a cup, she asked what it was made from and we told her and she then exclaimed that those flowers were poisonous.

So we all had to run to a hospital before the poison could kill us, but it was working quicker on you... Mom, Kat and Jessi all ran ahead as Larissa stayed back with you when you fell behind (she was making sure you died) as I got to a mid-way point where I could see where to go so I could lead you there. As we turned a corner and I saw the room we needed to go to, I looked back and waited for you to show up. I called out for you.

Larissa ran past me, silent and giving me an emotionless stare when I called out to her in confusion. She left me and went into the room and I called out for you again, crying as it sunk in.

The truth hit me and I fell to floor on my knees and curled into myself. It was horrible... The pain I felt and how badly I was bawling and crying out for you..

It ended there, and surprisingly enough, I didn't wake up crying. Which is good. I think that the tea was in my dream because Jessi had mentioned it yesterday. Why it's usually you who dies in my dreams? Well, that's one thing that i fear most... I guess..

Anyways, yeah. Depressing.

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