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-Phillip and Cass-


"Are you okay?" Phillip asked. He heard Cass in pain.

"Yep, I am fine. I just tripped. Stupid carpet!" She explained.

"Hold on a second." Something caught Phillip's eye. Underneath the carpet, there was a lump. It formed a square shape. "I think there is something underneath this carpet. Help me remove it."

Cass helped Phillip. They were able to see what was under. It was a small wooden door. It resembled a trap door.

"Guess we should open it."

The two opened it. It gave out a loud creek. Dust also scattered everywhere.

Inside was a box. The box was made of wood. It had a really dark brown color, it was slightly close to maroon.

Once the box was opened, there was a family photo album.

"This could be our break, Phillip. We might just finally solve the mystery."

"You are right! Let's check it out."

The two both extended their arms and reached for it at the same time. They ended up touching each other's hand.

"Oh my goodness! I am so sorry, Cass!" Phillip apologized.

"It's alright." Cass replied.

"You have really soft hands. Almost like a baby's." He chuckled. He had never felt anything so soft in his life.

"Well, thanks. I guess." She smiled. So, while we are here, maybe we should get to know each other better. You know, since we are going to be stuck here for a really long time, we might as well be friends. Tell something about yourself."

"Well, I am the oldest. I have one little sister. My favorite color is black. I like adventure and mystery. I also like food and water." He smirked. "How about you, Cass. Is Cass even your real name?"

"Cass isn't my real name. My real name is Callista. It is too long, though. I like the color blue because it reminds me of the ocean. I like traveling. I also love adventure and mystery like you!"

"Wow! At least we have something in common. If I am right, Callista means "beautiful", right?

"Nailed it. You know, I did not expect you to be a smarty-pants." Cass giggled. It was kind of rare for Cass to meet a guy who was knowledgeable. Most boys in her school just care about girls. Personally, Cass likes a guy who can think first before he acts.

"Ok, let us not waste our time. Let's see!" Phillip motioned.

The photos were still about the family. There are a lot of family photos in the box.

"I guess this used to be someone's memory box." Cass suggested. She knew this because she kept one in her bedroom. Her box was not big. It was only a small shoebox. Inside, her memory box had pictures of her mom, dad, and older brother. She also had some jewelry and old letters inside the box. Everytime she was very happy, she would try to put a part of that event inside. When she would be sad, she just opens the box and she become happy again. Oh, how she missed her family and that box. She was now surrounded in darkness and fear.

"Maybe it is, Cass."

While they were checking out the box, they suddenly heard a loud crash coming from the basement.

"Uh, Phillip, I am just gonna go and start running. That sound does not sound inviting or whatsoever. " Cass started running as far away as she can from the basement. She knew she could be running away from death

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