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Creek. Creeek. Creeeek.

  Each step the teenagers took, the floor creeked.

The floors were made of wood and had mold on them. The paint on the walls were white and it was fading away. At the corners, there were cobwebs everywhere. The furniture around them were old and worn out. This place was the exact definition of an "antique house."

  The group slowly made their way in the living room. They wanted to check out things. Since the house was huge, they wanted to explore as much as possible. Maybe get some clues to find out who ever really owned the house in the first place.

  "Man, this place is old. There are dusty things around here." Reign said. He was holding a picture frame. He dusted away the dust to check who was in the picture. The picture showed the house. It looked new and fresh. It was very beautiful. "Wow, this house was gorgeous. I wonder what happened."

"Hey, I found something!" Mal shouted.
It was a small notebook. It had a black leather cover and it had those old yellowish pages. Mal opened the notebook. On the first page, it said, "Property of Alice. Do not open."

"I think it is a diary. Maybe we shouldn't keep reading. I mean, it is private. Imagine if someone opened your diary, you would probably feel violated." Cass spoke up. She looked at her watch. It was 8:30 pm. She was not aware of how much time she spent with her three companions. "I got to go, guys. I need to get home before my mom starts lashing out on me. I hate it when she goes beast mode." Cass made her way to the door and turned the door knob.
Oh shembutt. It is locked.

"Major problem, guys." Cass freaked out. "It is lock." She tried turning the locks but still, nothing happened. "I think it is jammed or something.

Phillip tried to open it. He too, could not.
Whatever they did, the door would not budge.

"Guess we are stuck here. This is not good." Reign said.

Suddenly, they heard someone running across the hallway. They all looked at each other to check if someone was missing. Nope, no one was missing.

"If everyone is here, who the fudge is that?!" Mal screamed. "I hope this is not Paranormal Activity or something."

"Relax, guys. Maybe that was just a cat or something." Phillip tried to calm the group down.

Creeek. Creeek. Creeek.

They heard the floor creek. It only made sounds when someone was walking or moving.

"Stop scaring me, guys!" Cass said.

"Uhhh, Cass... no one is moving. So, no one is making a sound." Mal replied.

This is not good. The group was scared. There was something inside the house with them. They were not alone. 

Suddenly, Phillip saw a note on the floor. He read it. It said:

  "This starts your journey for freedom. Help me, together we will be free."

He dropped the note. There was definitely something wrong here. "We are not alone."

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