Chapter 3: Vanilla bean

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     I picked up my pace in front of Jackson feeling a little self-conscious because I can feel his eyes piercing in the back of my head. Maybe I should've taken my mom's advice and wear my grey laced prada dress, but no I had to look crappy to prove to myself i'm free. It doesn't seem like Jackson cares though, since he's  just wearing brown shorts and a white wife beater. I noticed he had a few tattoos going up his neck and wondered if his entire chest was covered with ink. He didn't seem to care too much about showing off not only his tattoos, but his Diego —as in Dora's cousin— socks in his slides.

   Apparently, it was a gift from his nephew.

  "Here we are". I said turning my car alarm off and pressing the button to open the trunk.

   "You shouldn't do that,". He stopped me from putting my hair in a ponytail, after taking out my three suitcases and a box. "I like your hair when it's down".

  "Okay...". I said reluctantly and went to grab a box.

  "Why don't you just let me do this, it'll be much quicker". He stopped me again. "You just wait here".

     I watched in awe as he somehow managed to drag three suitcases and a box over to building three. Not wanting to stand around and do nothing, I decided to go back to the main office and ask that crazy lady about something that has been on my mind for a long time, although it doesn't bother me anymore.

  "Hi Ms. sunshine". The woman, Mrs. Eldridge —as said on her nametag— greeted.

   Butt kisser.

  " Yeah, I have a question, um...why exactly do I have a special circumstance?, and why is it the fact that I have a guy as my roommate". I admit, I was a little disappointed. I mean in college your roommate —a girl— would become your best friend and you'd go on crazy adventures together.

  " I don't really understand what you mean, dear,". Mrs. Eldridge frowned. "Special circumstance is having a guy as your roommate, but I don't know why you're confused, you sign up for it when you apply".

  "But that's the thing,". I sighed becoming frustrated. " I didn't sign up for it".

"Huh?,". The woman knitted her brows together typing furiously on the computer. "It says here that a parent signed you up...but that's weird because I can't seem to take you off".

  "What?". I asked, new information buzzing through my brain. A parent? Why would my mom do that? she's been overprotective about me for years and now she's going to let me live with some guy she dosen't know?

Unless...No that's dumb too.

" It seems to me whoever put you here doesn't want you off,". Mrs. Eldridge looked up, worried. "I'm sorry honey but maybe it isn't a parent, you could be in serious da—".

    "There you are vanilla bean!,". Jackson exclaimed. "I've been looking everywhere for you".

    He looked a little pale as he grabbed my hand, said thank you to the lady —like he knew what we were talking about— and dragged me outside. " What is your problem?!". I asked, mad that he never let the lady finish her sentence, but didn't pull my hand away. Neither did he.

   " Rule number one, don't ask questions around here,". He looked me directly in the eyes Hazel to Green. " Talking to the wrong people can get you in some serious trouble".

  "What?". I asked taken back. What is he talking about?

   "When I say stay, I mean stay,". He pulled me closer, lifting my chin so he could study my face better. " I can't protect you if I don't know where you are, at all times".

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