Chapter 46: It takes two to...

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Chapter 46: It takes two to...


    That's the only thing you could hear in the room. Pure silence. I was seated at a comfortable distance away from Jackson with my legs crossed and my hands hugging a fluffy pillow. Jackson stared at the ground for a few minutes and I stared at him, lost in my thoughts. He's so beautiful yet so troubled. He wants to tell me his story but something is holding him back.

   After ten minutes. " Look, i'm sorry I asked...I didn't know this was gonna be so hard for you, maybe you should just—"

    Without letting me finish my sentence he got up and walked out of the room. 


    I was just going to tell him that maybe he should just tell me about the mafia, since I know that bringing up the past can be very troubling. I personally did not enjoy having recaps about Andrew, but then again I didn't share that with anyone but my own thoughts. Sometimes saying things out loud makes it more real and I wonder if Jackson's past is that dark that he doesn't want to—

    " Sorry," He stumbled in the room with the remaining bottle of liquor in his hand. " I'm uh, ready"

     He sat on the bed again in the same spot he did before. I tried to meet his eyes but they were a little dazed and unfocused. I'm pretty sure his hair has dried by now and his frame just looked completely exhausted, it's like on the outside he's physically fit —and I mean fit— but on the inside he's torn. I frowned.

    He chuckled. " You're frowning and I haven't even started talking yet" When I didn't respond he continued. " After your dad found me he was planning on sending me to some kind of child protection service but I overheard two of his guards talking and snuck out, I managed to somehow slip past his staff but once I went into the real world something stopped me"

    He took a swig from the bottle. " Every woman holding the arm of a child was my mother and every guy in a black suit was my enemy." He met my sad eyes. " Every sound that was too loud was the bullet that took my dad's life, I was broken"

   " Do you miss them?" I whispered.

     " Who? My parents? they're all I had" His voice cracked. " I don't know if you've noticed but I'm a lone wolf now" He tried to smile.

   You have me idiot.

    " What about your friends?"

        " Fake," He laughed. " I'm their boss, my happiness —and your safety— is their priority, although I must admit Aiden has been with me from the start...he has a past that he chose to burn, literally"

 I gasped.

  " No, I'm not telling you about Aiden's past, he chose to let go of it and I really should be doing the same but..." His eyes drifted towards the ceiling.

   " But what?" I slouched and leaned forward.

      " I remember... seeing someone when I was a child but I don't know..." He got up and paced the room. It's like his mind was somewhere else. " Vito. I remember seeing Vito but I don't know why...I think he killed my parents"

   " What? why would he...?," I paused. " Maybe my dad knows something, you said they've been enemies for a while didn't you?"

   " Well, I don't remember telling you that but," He turned to face me and stared for a while, shocked. " but uh, um...I forgot"

  I gave him a weird look. " Yeah sure. Why are you acting so weird all of a sudden?"

    " I should go" He scratched the back of his neck and tried to leave but I ran and stood in front of the door.

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