Chapter 52: Lucky Number 12

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      Chapter 52: Lucky Number 12

      I woke up in dark, cold, empty room. The walls were made of pure solid concrete and a ray of light peeked through a small hole next to me. I was laying on a pile of blankets placed on a metal frame —very uncomfortable. I got up, trying to look around and tripped over a silver bucket.


      Someone gasped. " She's awake, she's awake! boss she's awake!"

    I didn't notice before, but there was a guy sitting in the corner of the room, he looked a little old and he had a long grey beard, I'm talking Duck Dynasty long —I guess he was waiting for me to wake up but why? The clicking of heels and traveling footsteps approached and I panicked.

 I'm gonna die, I'm gonna die, i'm gonna die.

 Crap, why didn't I listen to Jackson?

  " Oh you're awake thank god!" Sadie hugged me. " Phew! for a second I thought I gave you too much and killed you. You've been out for 12 hours you know"

    Twelve hours?

    " What's going on? why did you...?" The fact that she hugged me made me want to smack her across the face but maybe...just maybe if I still pretend to be her friend I can trick her into not killing me —at least until someone comes for me. I hope someone comes for me. In the movies,  at the point the kidnapee would scream and yell and run but I can't run because also in the movies at this point the kidnapper out beat the crap out of the kidnapee and i'm already in pain from that darn metal bed.

   She smiled and held out her hand to me. " You stink. Come on let's get you cleaned up" 

    "Wait," I paused. "what about the guy in the corner"

     " Oh," She walked over to him and clapped her hands together, the poor man jumped in fear. " Congratulations Henry! you're  gonna live to see another day!"

    The man sighed in relief and muttered incoherent words.

        " What? did you really put his life on the line for my life?" I couldn't hide my shock.

       Sadie shrugged. "He was dead anyway"

       " But why?" I could hardly believe who she's become.

         She stopped in her tracks, the two guards behind us stopped too. " Like I said you were out for twelve hours, someone had to die if you did"

   " How about the one who captured me?" I crossed my arms. The guards snickered behind me.

     She grabbed my arm roughly. " Let's. Go"

      We walked up a couple of stairs to a brown door, I turned and looked back. No wonder it was so cold and wet down here. We were in a dungeon. She opened the door into a palace that was barely different from my dad, except for the color scheme and the pictures. There was a big portrait on the wall by the long staircase of a familiar looking man. He was wearing a black tux and his dark hair had a few grey patches in it.

   I gasped.

    " Yes, Vito is my boss and Jeff is yours" Sadie smiled. It annoys me how happy she is about this situation.

  " Jeff is my father, not my boss. I'm not like you" I kept my head straight and followed the guards now who looked at each other before leading me to the elevator and left me with Sadie.

      She pinned me to the wall as soon as the doors closed.  " Why the hell would you say something like that? Jeffery doesn't have a daughter, he can't"

     " Get off me," I pushed her away. " Granted he's an ass for leaving his family behind and I basically told everyone he was dead, but turns out he's alive and — wait what do you mean he can't?"

   "You don't know?" She laughed as the elevator arrived on our floor and she led me to a bedroom. " You mean to tell me, you're being protected and you don't know why?"

  " It's complicated..." I grabbed a towel from the closet and headed for the bathroom, not making eye contact. I got a new toothbrush from the cabinet underneath the sink and began brushing my teeth —like I said, this place is just like my dad's.

      " You're in love with him" Sadie stated.

        I choked. Quickly I rinsed the toothpaste from my mouth and tried to cough up what I swallowed. " I...what?..No!...I hate that jerk...why would you say I L-Love him?" 

   "Ashley when we were...well when we were friends" — something crossed through her eyes but I couldn't tell what— " I watched how you act around him and, I mean I can't think of a time you didn't talk about him—"

  " That doesn't mean i'm in love with him! please...don't tell anyone that" I glared at her once again smiling face.

    " 'kay," She clapped her hands together and smirked as if she knew something I didn't. It's not true. "Well you go clean up and I'll go meet the boss and let him know what's happening. I'll be back to get you in an hour the boss will want to meet you by then" She turned on her heels and left.

   " Bitch" I muttered and slammed the door shut.


A/N: Heyyy guys! *slowly backs away* I'm sorry it took me so long to update — such a short chapter at that— but *claps hands together like Sadie* it's finals week and I've been trying to study like crazy and not procrastinate can see how that's working out by the lateness of this chapter XD

     Anyways, i'm really sorry i'll try to be faster w/ updates and I hope you're still reading and enjoying, which I will know by your votes/comments ;) (pweaseee)


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