Chapter 47: Naked

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Chapter 47: Naked


 p.s: comment how many times the word "naked" is used in this chapter for a dedication next chapter (Every. Time. Its used. Counts) 


     Jackson held me body close to his with his left hand and used his right hand to shove all the pillows on the floor. The comforter felt soft and plush beneath my naked body. Yes, i'm naked. I'm naked and Jackson Miller is on top of me with our lips intertwined. I've never been naked with a guy before in my life.


    No not the juice and not the makeup, just me, in my birthday suit. Naked.

       Okay i'm sorry, this moment is very overwhelming for me. Jackson pinned my hands above my head and trailed kisses down my neck as I squirm eagerly beneath him. He pinched my nipples with his fingers sending an exhilarating feeling throughout my body —my naked body that is. He began to trail kisses down stomach as my breath hitched.

   " Jackson" I squirmed beneath him again, not able to control the weird sensations that i'm feeling.

   " It's okay vanilla bean," I felt his teeth gently graze my nipple. " Just let go"

      " I'm letting—"

       " What the...!" Andrew stood by the doorway shocked, he tried to look at my naked state but Jackson threw a long pillow over my body.

   " Can you knock?" I can tell by his tone that Jackson was annoyed.

      " I...Ash..." His cheeks turned pink.

     " Well?," Jackson stood up after making sure my naked body was covered. " Are you going to speak or stand there like—"

    " Jeffrey wants to speak with you in the commission room" He snapped but stared at me the whole time he was saying it. I looked away uncomfortably.

     " 'Jeffery?'," Jackson switched to boss mode, which was kinda hot if you ask me. " And would 'Jeffery' like to know that for some reason you just promoted yourself and is currently on first name basis with our boss?"

   " No," Andrew shook his head. " I'm sorry...sir"

       " Whatever. Dismissed" Jackson fanned him off.

    " Actually...boss wants me to take Ashley to the dining room for supper and give her a formal tour of the place"

   " I'll take her to the dining room on my way down, and she'll get a tour tomorrow, from me" The two guys just stared at each other, barely acknowledging my presence in the room anymore. Not that I mind, you know, since i'm still naked.

     Andrew laughed. " Oh and do you think the boss would be ok with that?"

     " No," Jackson clenched his jaw. " But my fist would"

       " Jackson," His head snapped to me when I called. I sighed. " Just go"

       " Are you sure you want to—"

         " I'm a big girl, I can handle myself" Something crossed over his features and he nodded in defeat.

    He leaned down to my ear and whispered. "To be continued, later babes" and planted a kiss on my cheek.

   Of course I melted.

   Andrew rolled his eyes and on his way out, Jackson shoved him into the door.

      I sighed once he left, wrapped the sheet around me and walked in my closet which of course had clothes my size. Jackson must've given them my measurements or something. Not feeling like spending an eternity in here, I found a pair of matching bra and panties and slid on a simple black dress. My hair wasn't completely dry yet so I just let the damp mop hang.

   " So I guess he's your boyfriend now?" Andrew asked as soon as I walked out the closet.

    " He's not my boyfriend" I muttered, grabbing my phone and walking out the door. It only took a few minutes before he was at my side again.

 " So you just going around fucking guys for fun?" 

   My palm firmly connected with his face in an echoing slap. " How dare you?!"

      " Ouch," He rubbed his cheek. " Damn it woman I was only kidding"

       " I know where the dining room is you don't have to show me" I ignored his comment.

         " Oh Yeah?, what floor are we on?"

          " Second?" I guessed.

           "First" He scoffed.

            " Whatever" I rolled my eyes.

             " Ohh Mr. Miller wouldn't like that" He had a fake scared look on his face.

              " Will you shut up?," I smacked his arm. " What's up with you and Jackson anyway?"

              " Sorry I don't speak 'asshole' " He laughed.

               " You sure? 'cause that's pretty much you summed up as a boyfriend"

               " Okay, okay" He threw his arms up as we began walking up the red carpeted stairs. " I deserved that one. I tried my best ok? dating the mafia's daughter is hard work, especially when your dick is on the line"

   I laughed, glancing at him for a second. " Did you even care? about me I mean"

               " Yes. Always. That's why it had to end, I was supposed to be your boyfriend but act like a bodyguard and on prom night...I just knew I couldn't anymore"

               "Oh" It was quiet for a while until he broke the silence as we stood in front of the double doors leading to the dining room.

              " Did you...?" His voice was soft and just like the night we stood under the stars, his eyes were warm and welcoming.

            I don't know why I felt like I needed to explain myself to him, but I did, so I fumbled for words. " No...I think we were going to... it's whatever but—"

        His lips pressed softly against mine just as the doors open to a dining room full of people, including Jackson.

      I've never felt so naked and exposed in my life.


A/N: Ba-dum-tshhh xD

  Wow so A LOT of stuff was going on in this chapter geesh.

  How many times was "Naked" used?

    Andrew; hate him/love him? or meh?

  This is the part in books where everyone call Ashley a slut for kissing two guys in one day, she really does get around doesn't she lol

 Should jackson be mad at Ashley? (bc we all know he's mad rn right?... or is he)

    I really hope you guys enjoyed this chapter! I was kinda laughing at the awkward parts ( repetitive use of 'naked', nipple biting etc) pls vote, comment and fan if you enjoyed it really means alot to me :)


  P.s: I know it's christmas now but (for future readers) comment the holiday/season you are currently celebrating (ex. easter, new years etc) I think it will be cool to go back and read the comments and see the different times ppl read this❣


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