Chapter 22: Anything is possible

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   Chapter 22: Anything Is Possible ;)

A/N: double update bc you guys are amazing!


    "Do you think this is all a big joke?" Jackson sighed running his hand through his damp hair. I watched as a single droplet of water fell on his shoulder and ran across his chest all the way down to his... "Are you suicidal or something?"

     My mouth formed an O as I jumped back in the conversation, trying not to dwell too long on how badly I want to run my fingers over his sculpted abs and trace the tattoos on his chest with my fingers. "Of course i'm not suicidal!"

    If you call suicide thinking naughty things about your roommate you agreed to be friends with, my subconscious giggles.

      Jackson was saying something else but he's literally just wearing a towel and there's some form of electricity in the room that's pulling me to him. When did we decide to be friends? I thought to myself and before my brain could think my lips already spoke the words I never thought I would say in my entire life,

     " Am I just a slut to you?" I blurted and immediately felt like I needed to wash my mouth with soap, slut isn't a swear word right?

    "W-What the...I...We can't..." Jackson fumbled for words flabbergasted as my subconscious grabs a bag of popcorn and squealed giddily.

     Am I on drugs? How can you come up with this stuff?

          I crossed my hands over my chest waiting for a proper answer. When that didn't happen I shook my head, confused as to why I would even ask that. " It's fine, i'm sorry I don't even know why I..." my eyes glide over his physique again and I forgot what to say.

      "Oh," Jackson chuckled, clearly amused by my discomfort. " Right. I'll get a shirt, I forgot innocent girls like you can't handle real men yet"

     " Excuse me?" I glared at his cocky grin.

         "You know, you said you've been with a guy right?," He began to clarify and I thought of Andrew Roberts, my high school ex-boyfriend. "Well when you were with him he probably never touched you like a real ma—"

     "You don't know what he did!" I snapped.

            " Oh. My. God," He laughed and clutched his stomach. " You're 18 and he's never touched you, are you sure he's straight?"

     I blushed. "Andrew is not gay, we never tried and I was never curious" I looked down.

            "But you are now?," He asked and when I didn't answer I heard the sweetest little whisper of my name "Oh Ashley" I kept my eyes on the ground but I could feel him staring at me. Normally when he calls me by my name he's pissed but this time there was something so soft and sensual about it that it made my legs quiver. My body felt like jell-o and before I could fall down Jackson caught me by my wrist.

     What the heck? how can one person make someone feel this way with just one look, one smile, by saying my name Jackson completely trapped me under his spell. He sat me down on the couch and went to his room. I sigh in relief knowing I can't stand to be around him alone for too long. I just sat there staring at nothing and thinking about my feelings, so when Jackson came out of his room I didn't even realize.

   "It's called hormones"  He spoke up behind me. I noticed he had changed into a pair of dark blue Calvin Klein boxers and I tried not to stare too much. " I can't believe I have to have this conversation with you"

     " You don't have to give me the talk," I roll my eyes. " I'm not that far back"

             He didn't speak for a while and I went in the kitchen, grabbed my breakfast, ate and washed the dishes when he finally said, " You know rolling your eyes to a guy in the mafia is extremely disrespectful and punishable until male see's fit"

      I laugh, taken back by his remark and lean on the doorway. " Well I think this is the 21st century, and we're in a free country so anything is possible"

      " Oh yeah?," His voice was serious. " Well roll your eyes at me again and we'll seek out some possibilities"

    I froze as his eyes challenged me.

         Don't do it!, the good part of me warned cautiously.

      Do it!, my subconscious urged me.


    I made my choice and the outcome was unpredictable.


A/N: I'm sorry! I didn't want to do a cliffhanger but the chapter would've been too long if I continued plus I needed something that will make you guys vote and share feedback!

    So...What did you think she chose to do?

        Honestly I can tell you it's 50/50 ;)


until next time, vote, fan and share with your friends so I can win a watty ;)


The choice.

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