Chapter 66: Boys Will Be Boys

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Chapter 66: Boys Will Be Boys

*Jackson's POV*

    As soon as Zara's car pulled away and I knew Ashley was safe I turned my head towards Andrew, shooting daggers with my eyes. He was crouched down on the ground grabbing his stomach. His jaw was swollen.

  "Look man I already told you, i'm independent — I don't work for Vito he just wanted me to deliver a message which I don't think you ever got"

    "You mean 'Che i giochi abbiano inizio?' I knew you were delivering that before you gave it to Ashley, yes I had men tailing you as they should you little ratto"

   He opened his mouth to say something then stopped, shocked. 

      " I'll admit I had no idea you were gonna try to contact Ashley again after you delivered that note but to be sure I had her take my car since the Mafia installs a tracking device in all their famiglia vehicles"

   " Why do you think I made her pullover?," He spat blood. " I knew it was pointless as soon as you call but at least I got to mess with her head a little"

    I squeezed my fist until my knuckles turned white. " Cosa le hai detto?, I hope you didn't flap your mouth too much"

  " What did I say?," He smirked, repeating my question. " Nothing a little tongue can't fix, am I right?" 

      "Questo è tutto," I felt nauseous. What did the boss see in this cazzo? " I'm done"  

      I cocked my gun and shot his leg.

        " AHHHH merda!"

           " Swearing won't help you now buddy" I strode over to him as he struggled to crawl backward.

   " Oh shit, wait, wait, wait WAIT"

    " What?" I snapped, pointing my gun to his other leg.

   " That's not fair, no weapons"

       I laughed. " Oh you think you can disrespect my baccello di vaniglia and get away with it?"

       " I-I was just joking —GESÙ!"

He hollered when I shot his other leg.

" Wrong," I changed the bullets. " It's Jackson you maiale "

     This time I aimed for his skull. 

   Stop me.

  Someone stop me.


" Wait! I uh can be of use to you, no, no, no, no—!"

      " Merda!"  The gun flew  out of my hand.

           " What you just planned on having him all to yourself?" Aiden limped over to me. " Cazzo"

      " You could've shot my arm off!" I yelled but I wasn't mad. How could I be when he just saved me from adding one more body count to my list.

  He grinned. " Bene, serves you right. Maybe you'll come visit me next time  huh?"

   I smiled. " So what do we do with him?" 

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