Chapter 19: Are we out of the woods yet? Pt 2.

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   A/N: Sorry for the long wait, hope it was worth it ;)

    P.s: No this isn't the last chapter lol we're actually just getting started they're sooo many thing you guys haven't noticed/found out yet :P


Are we out of the woods yet? Pt 2.

        It all felt like slow motion, shots were fired, people fell to the ground and blood so much blood. "Jackson!" I screamed out sobbing.

   Is this it? 

    I stared and the sky. It better not be, this isn't the happy ending I dreamed of, no,

  This is HELL.

     I fell to the ground not knowing if the puddle of blood was my own or not. The air was crisp initiating that winter was only a couple months away. The sky was a dark cloudy haze and I wasn't sure if it was real or just my 19/20 vision. My hands trembled viciously and I clawed at the old worn down concret hoping that someone will come by and rescue us. 



    Pushing myself weakly off the ground I slowly wobbled, weaving my way through the moaning men on the floor. At least they're not all dead. Judging by the amount of bodily fluids here i'm guessing there's a strong chance they might bleed out if I don't get help soon. 

   Heck I don't even know where my phone is. I feel my body physically, mentally and emotionally shutting down and right now the only thing that is keeping me up is...him. I need to know if he's alive, I need to know if he's hurt. This is all my fault all I had to do was stay.

    All my life i've been told what to do and how to dress and college was finally a time for me to stand up for myself. My whole body aches and I don't know if i'm injured or where i'm injured. I took a deep breath hoping i'd remember something. It all happened so fast that I...

  "Ashley move!" Jackson yelled Jumping in front of me and pulling me out of the way. My head hit the sidewalk with a thud and just before my eyes closed I watched Jackson grab his chest in pain and rolled in —

     "The bushes!" I yelled at no one. I retraced my steps down the severely damaged sidewalk to the place I was unconscious. There was an outline of blood where I think I was laying, and a muddied trail through the bushes. The loud sound of sirens echoed behind.

     "Jackson?" I called out scurrying through trees. The trail stopped in front of a large tree and panic began to rise as the sirens got louder.

       "J-Jackson?" I fell on my knees as a tear ran down my cheek.

            No, He can't be—

            "I thought you were dead" A familiar voice spoke softly.

                I looked around confused and a bit spooked. Huh, maybe it was just my imagination. I looked down at my shaking hands once again and wished I could get home and take a shower to wash off all the gross blood, i'm pretty sure there's some on my lips, but I think that's mine. A rustle sounded in the bushes. I got up and looked around again.

     "Jackson?" I called out again. This time it was dead silent. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to—"

           "Your boyfriend is dead princess" The first guy that corned me with his friends appeared out of the bushes. His shirt was gone and his tanned skin showed terrible scars, cuts and bruises all from today.

      "W-what?" I slowly backed onto the tree.

          He chuckled. "I found your playboy laying here and realized he was wearing a bulletproof vest so I fucked him up," He began walking towards me, like a wolf hunting it's prey. "Just like i'm about to f*ck you up, but in a completely different way"  He winked and launched at me.

      A loud scream escaped my mouth and someone jumped off the tree and punched the guy in his chin knocking one of his tooth out and knocking him out too in the process. He slowly turned to face me. "Hey vanilla bean"

    A smile escaped my lips. "Hey Tarzan"


A/N: So was it worth it? ;)

  I've decided to update early today just because you've waited so long. Anyways plz vote comment and fan if you enjoyed!

 I really love hearing what you guys think, some of your comments are hilarious XD



P.s: don't worry i'll update sooner next time :)

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