Chapter 68: Girl Meets Evil

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Chapter 68: Girl Meets Evil

" Okay first you need to know the Open Hand Strike, stand still while I demonstrate"

Standing directly in front of me Zara uses the heel of her hand to softly tap areas of my faces like my eye, jaw, chin and forehead.

" Obviously you'll need to add more force when fighting for your life," She pointed out. " Now with this defence mechanism you have to use the heel of your hand to target what you think is the most vulnerable places on that person's face"

She went upstairs for a couple seconds then came back down dragging a mannequin dummy with her. " This is charles, you'll be practicing on him -my face is too valuable, and yes that is real blood on his cheek, the boys are going wild upstairs".

" Um, okay" I striked the dummy in the eye and it barely wobbled.


" By the way," Zara began. " You're trying to knock it over"

I tried again. It didn't move.

" Stop pulling your arm back, keep your elbow in front of your ribs"

" It feels weird" I grumbled.

" Is it gonna feel weird when you don't get to see Jackson today?, he might be injured, Andrew has some things up his sleeve you know"

This made me mad.


I tried again, this time aiming for the neck. I didn't knock it over but I was pretty darn close.

Zara clapped. " Okay, okay"

" Next," She continued. " I'll demonstrate my favorite one"

" I don't think I like that smile on your-!"

Standing next to me she grabbed my arm and flipped me over her shoulder onto my back.

"Ooof!" I groaned.

" Relax," She brushed it off. " I used little to no energy to do that, unfortunately Charles has been feeling a little self conscious about his weight so this time you'll have to practice on me"

"Okay" I grabbed her arm and pulled her towards me making us bump shoulders. Crap, I couldn't flip her over so I began to try and tackle her to the ground. She wouldn't budge. After about five minutes of this she burst out into fits of laughter and I could help but smile a bit too.

" I....can't..." She wheezed. " You'"

" Screw you" I pout.

" We'll work on this again next time but if you wanna see Jackson I guess you'll have to fight me now, use the Hand Strike I taught you, incorporate running and that flip...if you can"

" Why would I need to run?" I asked.

She reached in her bra and pulled out a mini taser.

Holy sh-

buzzz pop!

" Ow!" I jumped.

She lunged for me again but this time I jumped back dodging her completely. She smiled as if to say good job. I threw the heel of my wrist forward and she grabbed it, pressing the taser against my skin. I bit my lip to avoid crying out. Using that same wrist, I swung and touched her jaw. Touch, not hit. Damn.

" When ya ready come and get it na na na na" She mocked, moving her pointer finger back and forth.

"Ugh" Getting frustrated I dove for her, throwing all my body weight on top of her and knocking us both to the ground. I rolled off her and we both layed there panting .

Applause erupted next to us along with a few whistles. On the stairs to the left were a cluster of boys ranging from their late teens to early twenties it seemed. Clapping. They must've came down to see what all the noises were.

" Thank you, thank you" Zara bowed.

When did she get up?

" Do you want my autograph?," She flirted with a tan buff guy by the stairs. " I'll throw in my number for free"

The guy blushed.


" Okay," I forced my sore body to get up and grab her arm dragging her through the door to her car. " Time to go find Jackson"

" A deal is a deal" She agreed.

We arrived at the Corrective Unit in the late evening so I got to see the last bit of the sun disappear from the horizon. This warehouse was a little smaller than the one I just came from but equally as glamorous. Inside the floor was white marble and the walls were white along with everything else in the room. It smelled of sick people and cleaning supplies, so a hospital.

It was sectioned up into rooms and there were about 20 small rooms total. Each included a hospital bed, a heart monitor, a TV and sometimes a patient. Instead of doors the rooms were separated by white curtains. To my immediate right there was a curtain that had a small name tag that said Aiden. The bed was empty -except for a special limited edition playboy magazine.

I rolled my eyes.

" Let's go," Zara said. " If someone is being tortured everyone -including patients who can move will want to see"

We walked into this empty room that looked like it was under construction. Zara knelt down and knocked a rhythm on the floor over and over again. A door slid open revealing a ladder. She grinned.

" I still got it"

Once we descended the ladder we arrived in the middle of a hallway that had two doors one red and one blue.

" Your honey should be right through there" She pointed at the red door.

No, not again.

Zara patted my shoulder before disappearing behind the blue door, I noticed a group of people standing around staring at something before it shut behind her.

I opened the red door and gasped.

A monster was behind it.


A/N: Song suggestion for this chapter?


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