Chapter 34: 3 Strikes

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Chapter 34: 3 Strikes

         I cringed as I slowly pulled the chunk of glass out of Alfonso's leg. He was still unconscious but I knew he was in pain because once in awhile his body would jerk suddenly. I used a pair scissors to cut off half of his jeans —which were already ripped— so I could treat his wound.

    " Get me a bowl of cold water and a clean cloth" I ordered Jackson.

   " Ohh, I like my women bossy" He winked and I shook my head. Aiden is still geeking out on the computer. something about programming an adapter to withstand unknown provenience...basically making sure our dorm is completely debugged. I have to say I knew the mafia ranked you on your skills and since Aiden is second in line to Jackson I knew he was good at something but this is a big surprise to me.  'Nerd' just doesn't fit his profile.

      I made sure my gloves didn't have any holes on it before I inspected his wound in disgust. The one reason my mom claims I could never be a doctor —the look on my face gives everything away. I thanked Jackson when he brought back the bowl of water and shook away the nauseousness threatening to overcome me because of the blood.

     I quickly cleaned the wound with the cloth and dressed it before wrapping it with a bandage. As soon as the gloves came off I darted to the bathroom and regurgitated my last meal in the toilet. Jackson rushed in after me and held my hair back in his hands.

     " I told you to let him die" He shook his head disapprovingly.

     He's actually serious.

     " We need him for information remember?" I told him what he already knew. Slowly I got up off my knees before flushing the toilet and and leaning over the sink. I closed my eyes taking deep calming breaths. When I reopened them I noticed Jackson was watching me intenty through the mirror.

   " Are you okay?" He squeezed my right shoulder. I could tell he didn't know what to do.

       "Yeah, um, I'm a bit queasy" I answered. " I just need a minute"

        He nodded and left. I stared at my reflection in the mirror sighing. In my rush to the bathroom my hair tie slipped off leaving me to face this tangly mess. This is what happens when you choose the messy bun route everyday. I thought about how Jackson held my hair back as I washed my hands and began to brush my teeth. 

    I could tell he was uncomfortable because things got awkward almost as if he didn't know what to do with himself. The mouthwash stinged and I threw my head back trying to erase the sight of blood from my eyes. After a couple minutes I ran my fingers through my hair and tried to regain my composure.

     When I walked back in the living room all the blood on the newspaper was gone. No sign of blood anywhere. Jackson hung up the phone when he saw me walk out. I noticed he changed into a pair of light jeans that did not fail to show his V line and a loose white T-shirt. Aiden was still wearing all black.

     " You have two options," Jackson  turned to me abruptly. " Stay and watch but don't speak or go to your room and turn your headphones on full blast"

    " What if—" 

     " Two options, choose one or the other," He cut me off. " Got it?"

          " Yes" I sighed in defeat.

          " Good, you have five seconds" He stated.

       " No I don't," I rolled my eyes. " You already know i'm staying"

       " Rolling of eyes, strike one" He said blankly and turned around facing Alfonso. I gasped in shock. A couple minutes ago he told me if I ever disobeyed him again there would be some form of punishment. He has a short temper and to prove just how serious he is about this I have three strikes. If I make three mistakes —like roll eyes, not follow orders etc— it's game over.

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