Chapter 61: The Girls Room

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Chapter 61: The girls room

    "You okay?" A voice asked.

      " Yeah," I faked a smile. " Fine, thanks"

     That's hardly ever true.

   I woke up this morning to banging on the front door. Jackson left early to go to the mansion and sent some guy named Jimmy to get me. I was barely able to slip on a pair of jean shorts and my Tøp T-shirt before he began rushing me out the door. The car was driving so smooth, you could only tell we were moving by looking out through the window.  Although the AC was on, I wind my window down and let the cool october breeze hit my face.

    Everything that happened yesterday is starting to feel so much like a blur now that i'm wondering if those things ever really happened at all. I remember finding a gun under Jackson's bed, I remember him looking up at me with sad eyes after waking up from another nightmare, I remember his deep sexy voice as he told me what he wanted to do to me. I think he almost said... 

 "Ashley I think I..." his voice rang in my head. That's about the time when the pizza delivery guy showed up at our door because I had ordered lunch. Damn me and my pregnant woman's appetite! but now none of that matters because I managed to squeeze some information out of Jimmy.

     " Why would Jackson leave at four in the morning?" I had asked when he told me Jackson left the dorm five hours ago.

 He shrugged. " Training I presume, the Mafia doesn't joke about that stuff"

   I crossed my arms. " Training for what exactly?"

    " War" That's all he said before mentioning he's said too much and dragging me to the black volvo.

     We pulled up in the long driveway of the now familiar red brick mansion. There was a huge fountain in the middle —kind of serving as a round-a-bout— of a family, a mom, dad and a little girl smiling up at the sky with water pouring out of their eyes like tears. Accurate, I thought to myself. The double doors in the entrance were made of antique bronze and crystal clear bullet proof glass in the center.

   "Wait here" Jimming said stepping inside leaving me standing alone —with around ten cameras— in the driveway.

    I would've waited —really— except I heard someone screaming. The sound was coming from the pool house in the backyard. I never noticed before but on the doors of the pool house smeared in red paint were the words;

 The Girls Room 

 What? Is this a bathroom or...?

   My question was answered as soon as I walked through the door. Everything seemed normal at first, until I tripped on something hard underneath the rug in the entrance. I moved the rug aside and lift up the metal latch I tripped on, immediately music began thumping from underground.

   The noise and laughter got louder as I descended the stairs.

     " Excuse me" Someone tapped my shoulder.

      " Ahh!" I screamed turning around to face a young girl, not very older than I am, completely topless.

     I have never felt so flat chested in my life.

       " Would you like a drink?" She held out a glass to me raising her eyebrows.

        " Uh..." I finally began to take in and notice the environment around me. " No thanks"

         " Is this a...?"

        " Strip club?" Jimmy appeared next to me, looking nervous. " Yeah, kind of"

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