Chapter 5: What she dosen't know

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A/N: You're welcome ;)

*Mr. bad boy Himself P.O.V*

"Goodnight roommate of my dreams". Ashley mumbled, her delicate voice barely audible. I chuckled as I quietly slipped out and closed her door.

Damn I wish she wasn't off limits.

I knew she liked me, though I don't think she knows she likes me. At first I didn't care -girls always seem to throw themselves at me- but when we were on the couch and her eyes were practically begging me to touch her I....ugh whatever it doesn't matter anyway, the boss said she is off limits and according to him if I even look at her the wrong way I will get my dick cut off and quite frankly I don't want that to happen.

I need this big guy.

Running my hand through my hair I groggily made my way to my room and plopped down on my bed. Great, I thought to myself, another sleepless night for me. I probably shouldn't go to sleep yet anyway because i'm pretty sure the boss is going to call and threaten me again, oh and check on Ashley. She really is way different than I expected. First off I thought being rich and being close to the boss and all -of course she didn't even know who the boss was- she'd be extremely stuck up. And a major slut.

Ha! I don't even think she knows what slut means.

My Phone vibrated on my nightstand and I answered already knowing who it was. "She's safe and sound boss, you can stop worrying now".

He laughed on the other line. "Oh I'm not worried about her safety, I'm sure my right hand man will do good protecting the woman he's -dare I say- smitten with".

I choked. " I'm sorry what?".

"Jackson you're a good kid, really -hence the reason you're second in command to me- but I mean it if you hurt this girl in any way, any way at all not only will you lose your baby-maker, but you will also be deranked". I could practically hear the bastard smirking from the other end of the line before he hung up on me.

I closed my eyes and actually started to fall asleep this time when I heard a small pounding on the door. Groaning I grabbed my handgun that was hiding underneath my pillow and dragged myself to the front door where I aimed at the unknown person before opening the door.

" Wow dude!, chill out it's just me". My closest friend Aiden brought his hands up in surrender.

I growled. " Chill out? What the hell are you doing here it's-". I pulled my phone out to check the time. " Ten thirty".

" Oh sorry man, I was out handling some business for the boss when I overheard some guys talking about the girl you're protecting and how hot she is". He said poking his head through the door as if trying to get a glimpse. Aiden is second in command to me, which means he has to take my orders as well as the boss's, unfortunately that also means if I mess up he could also take over.

I balled my fist up outraged. " Who said that? and she's off limits".

He covered his mouth, like he said something he shouldn't have. " Um...they were just kidding man".

" Don't make me shoot you,". I threatened, he knows as well as I do and he's seen that with us being so close in rank to the boss, we don' we never send empty threats. " Brandon and Shawn".

" Take me to them,". I said slipping my gun in my waistband and grabbing a shirt that was nearby on the couch along with my shoes. "Time to teach them a lesson".

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