Chapter 18: Are we out of the woods yet? pt. 1

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Chapter 18: Are we out of the woods yet? pt. 1

A/N: Above is the first song on Ashley's playlist for her jog :) it might not be suitable for those who get offended easily but i'm not gonna tell you not to listen bc we both know you'll do it anyway, so enjoy!

P.s Translation is in comments (you'll know what I mean later)

P.P.S: plz point out any mistakes/typos I really don't mind that much since it helps make this book better :)


I stepped out the shower feeling just about ready for another long exhausting day. My head buzzed with wonder about last night -or yesterday if you want to go back farther. I slipped on my black yoga pants and a grey sports bra with my favorite running shoe for my morning jog. I pulled my hair up in a ponytail and left Jackson a note on the fridge.

Gone for a jog, don't miss me too much <3


I pressed shuffle on my ipod and Needed me by Rihanna started playing. I don't know but there's something about that song that clicked in me although I will never use some of the words she used or do some of things she did, it's still relatable. Kinda.

Or maybe I just like the beat.

Yeah pretty much.

As I passed the aged warehouse old memories came back to haunt me. It felt like my own screams echoed from the building mocking me. I ran faster almost turning into a sprint until I was far past it and my feet burned from slapping the concrete. As I began to slow down something move in the corner of my eyes. I stopped and turned around.

"Hello?" I called out to nothingness.

My phone vibrated in my bra and I checked the caller id to see it was Jackson. When did I get his number? I switched my earphones from my ipod to the phone and answered while jogging back so my hands were free.

" You put your number in my phone" I asked.

" Yeah, I might've took the liberty," He muttered distracted. "Look where are you?"

"Didn't you ready the note i'm joggi-"

" Yes I read the freaking note but where are you?" There were a bunch of noises in the background.

" Um...well i'm about to be back at the warehouse in about 3 min-"

"No! don't go back there," He sighed. "Look just stay where you are, schools cancelled because there's going to be a storm and...i'm coming to get you"

"Jackson...what's going....AHHH"

" Ashley! Ashley are you okay" He's never sounded so nervous.

" Yeah uh, a branch snapped in the bushes but-"

" Why are you near the bushes?!" He snapped.

" Can you stop cutting me off and calm down?" I sat on the cold sidewalk.

"Calm down? Ash they're coming for you!"

"What?" I jumped up in a panic. " Who's they and why are the coming?!"

"Stay put. I'll be there in five"


He hung up.


I checked the weather on my phone. Okay yeah, there's supposed to be a thunderstorm. I began walking back. Relax I'm sure i'll get there before Jackson, or he can meet me halfway but there's no way i'm standing here like a hopeless princess.

Rule #2 stay when Jackson says stay.

Come on, what's the worst that can happen?

A whistle sounded behind me.

"Hola hermosa, bonito culo"

I stopped and turned around. I'm not good at spanish so I have no idea what he just said but I doubt it's a good thing. There were two very handsome yet scary looking hispanic men standing with their arms crossed and their eyes scanning over my body making me feel a tad bit self conscious.

"W-Who are you?" I started backing up.

" Tu peor pesadilla bebe" A hand grabbed my shoulders and whispered in my ear. I screamed.

Tire screech around the corner and Jackson hopped out his car with a gun in his hand. The man behind me placed a knife at my throat and grabbed my waist so I won't move, or so he could be a pervert.

"Dejar caer la pistola o mato a esta zorra!" The man screamed and Jackson dropped the gun and held his hands up in the air to show his hands are empty.

"Bueno," He laughed, which scared me because he still has a knife at my neck. "Es una pena que tengamos que matarte"

I locked eyes with Jackson I'm pretty sure he knew what they were saying - surprise, surprise he understands fluent spanish- and although I didn't speak spanish it didn't take a genius to figure out, we were gonna die.

We're gonna die because I didn't follow his stupid rule.

We're gonna die because of me.


TEASER(pt.2): It all felt like slow motion, shots were fired, people fell to the ground and blood so much blood.

"Jackson!" I screamed out sobbing.

Is this it? I stared and the sky. It better not be, this isn't the happy ending I dreamed of, no,

This is HELL.

A/N: I thought I should add a teaser of part 2 to build on the tension and spice thing up a bit. Also that's my way of telling you things are changing ;) I'm making this Author's Note short bc I don't want to spoil it and tell you who dies...wait...nevermind (i hope no one reads this lol)

Anyway plz vote comment and fan(follow) if you enjoyed. I really want to know what you guys are thinking!


spartaaa XD

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