The awful truth-chapter 1

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***authors note***

This is my very first story on here(; so I really do hope you like it!


I get up out of bed and smile at the wall,the only wall in my whole room covered in .posters. I sit on the window sill,starring into the pouring rain outside the window. It was a Sunday,and it would be a very boring Sunday. Or it would be like yesterday, when nothing I said or did went right. I got up of the window sill and got dressed into a tank and sweats,and then went down stairs. I go to the kitchen and get a bowl out along with cereal,milk,and a spoon. I see a note on the counter


Honey, I have left for London. Im not sure when ill be home,if i come home in a week things didn't work out,if i come home sooner than a week pack your bags because were spending our summer and maybe the rest of our lives in London!! Love you!


I smiled and crumpled up the note and through it away. I truly wanted to leave Ireland and move to London,I have one friend here and I get bullied here,I just want to move so bad. And the best part if my mum got the job shed be working for my favourite band.....the one who saved my direction..but the awful truth is even if she got the job,I wouldn't meet my idols nor would they fall in love with me like all my dreams. I sigh grabbing my bowl and went to the lounge room,and tuned on the telly and then plopped on the couch spilling a little milk on my shirt."shit" I mumbled, I quickly wiped away the milk and tuned my focus to the telly. It's how I always started my day,get up look at my poster go to the window state out the window,get changed,and then get food and sit on the couch and watch the telly. I finish my cereal and put my bowl in the sink. I turn the telly off and go back up to my room. I grab my phone and log into Facebook,that's my whole life besides the five boys that changed my life forever. My best friend was on,so I decided to talk to her.




Me:what's up?


Me:the same....when mums gone...

Her: you crying an eating ice cream like crazy yet?

Me:haha. Very funny! And no I haven't

Her:well that's good. I miss you!! We should hang out sometime

Me:I'd love to,so come over NOW!!. Mum,is in London right now and she's gonna come back in a week if things don't work out. And if things do ill be gone in London for the whole summer.

Her: alrighty be over in a few minutes.

***end of convo***

I got up and ran down stairs. I sat in the window down stairs and waited for Emma to pull up in the drive. She soon pulled up and I ran to the door. I opened it the cool air hitting my face giving me a slight chill. She ran from her car and into the house,I closed the door behind her. " it's raining cats and dogs out there" she laughed and I joining her. We talked and fangirled over one direction. "Hey why don't w go play in the rain?" I asked " alright let's go!" We ran out side bare foot and no coats. We splashed in the water. And ran around getting soaked from all the rain pounding down on earth. We stood in the rain telling jokes and laughing. After it started getting cold we went inside and changed into dry clothes me giving her a pair of my clothes. We made hot coco and covered in blankets. Me sitting in the love seat and her on the couch. We watched movies and finished our hot coco. Soon I falling asleep and her as well.


Well I hope you like chapter 1!!!

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