The awful truth-chapter 21

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*2 years later*

I got up making sure Landon was feed and dressed before I took him to daycare. "Landon are your ready to go to daycare?" I asked "dayca" he said " alright come on let's go" I said. He got up and ran over to me, I picked him up along with my backpack and his bag. I put him in his car seat and set the bags on the floor. I got in myself and took off towards daycare. I finally got there and I get out and go around the car and get Landon out of his car seat and grab his bag. Landon and I walked Into daycare. " hello ms. Robinson." "Hi" I said and smiled. I bent down so I was somewhat level with Landon. "Now Landon be a very nice boy and listen okay?" I said."Kay mummy" he said "have fun" I said handing his bag to mrs.jill. " have a good day at work" she said"you too" Landon waved bye and I did to and walked out and got back into my car and started for work. I got to the parking lot and it was packed. 'What's going on at the shopping centre today?' I thought. I had to park a good walk away from the building. I got out and grabbed my bag. I headed towards the employee entrance , as I got closer I could hear loud screams and I couldn't hear what they were saying but I could hear them. I opened the door and headed for my office. Once in my office I seen all the paper work that was done and just sitting on the desk waiting to be put away. As soon as I took a seat a started putting the papers away my boss John walked in. "Ahh your here. Thank god" John said, I laughed " I take it, it was crazy" "no not until today. And you know what to do when it's crazy your good at that." "Calm down and tell me why there's so many people here" "one direction are performing here tonight" I froze unable to say anything...was my worst night mare coming true? I couldn't risk anything I couldn't do this why couldn't I face the boy that I still love after 2 years? Why couldn't I face him? What was going to go wrong? Had Harry told my secret? Did he? Did niall know? I couldn't stay if he knew. What if he does? What will I do then....


Cliffhanger! I hope you guys like this. I really do. Feedback?

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