The awful truth-chapter 2

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I woke up that morning, from the sun shining on my face. Rubbing my eyes I sat up and started walking towards the kitchen,passing the door I realised there was an extra pair of shoes, a pair of shoes I recognised....wait no no that can't be them. She can't be home already. I walk to the window,seeing my mums car made me realise she's really here. I ran turn and run up the stairs to my mums room. I peer in,there she was laying in bed sleeping. I jumped up in down with joy,I can't believe she got the job!!! My mum got the job working for one direction. I ran back down stairs so thrilled my mum is home. My excitement woke up emma. "Koda! Calm down" Emma scolded. I pouted a bit "I'm sorry" my shoulders went down into a slump and I became a bit sad. My mum walks down the stairs "good morning girls" my sadness quickly went away."mum!" I yelled "you got the job right??" I questioned before my mum could say anything. "Yes,honey. So hurry and eat and get everything pack,that I didn't already pack." "Mum, you stayed up all night packing?" "Yes sweetie" "you should have woke me up I would have helped" " I know" she said with a bit of sadness in her voice. Emma and I ate our breakfast and I said my goodbyes to her knowing I won't be coming back here only to visit my grand mum. I started to cry while standing at the door watching Emma leave,she's been my only friend..the only friend that knows everything. The only person I've trusted. I closed the door and walked up to my room now realising the walls going to my room are bare and everything that I've known in the house packed away in boxes. I sigh walking into my room seeing my mum had almost everything of mine packed away,the only thing left in my room was my posters. I went to work on getting them down. One by one my posters came down and went in a box,and my wall got barer by the minute. When I got them all down I stared at the wall,it's bare nothing on the wall except for some tape. I closed the box full of my posters and wrote on the box in big letters ONE DIRECTION POSTERS! My mum stood in the door frame" honey you got everything ready?" "Yeah,mum everything is packed I just need to change." "Alrighty hurry the moving men are here and getting boxes out in the truck" "okay" I quickly got changed and opened the door and headed down stairs. The whole house empty or covered with boxes. The moving men soon got all the boxes in the moving truck and ready for mum and me to head for the air port. My mum walks over to me by the counter. "It's time to leave" "okay" I said. I grabbed my phone and followed my mom, before I walked out the door I looked back at the bare looking walls and the empty floors and I remember all the sleepless nights,and everything that happened in this house. It was this house I grew up in but with so many fears and bad things in this house but also with so many tears and happy smiles an good times. I sighed and closed the door and went to the car and sat in the passenger side. I turned the radio on an sang along to every song. We got to the air port an hour later. And had everything loaded on the plane not to long after we arrived. They called our plane and we headed down the terminal and walked right out to the plane. Before stepping on the plane I looked around,sighed and then stepped on the plane ready to start all over again and have a brand new begging.


I hope you enjoyed chapter 2!!

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