The awful truth- chapter 9

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As I walk towards that stands Niall stops me by grabbing my free arm and spins me around to face him, ana giggled at that "gain" she said clapping a bit,when I look at Niall he had a smile on his face. "Dakota?" He questioned "yes Niall" " I-I- I was umm wondering if you'd like to go out to dinner?" He said nervously. I smiled I loved that he like the boys said is happier since I've been around,and the way it going I think the boys are right,we might actually end up dating but until that actually happens I won't believe it. "I'd love to" I said smiling. "Really?" He asked "of coarse I would" I said. He half hugged me considering I was holding ana. "Ea!" Ana said "alrighty we can go get something to eat" I said and walked to the stands and got in her bag and and found some of her food and sat her on my knee and opened it finding a spoon and feed it to her and often wiping her face off with a rag. I was so into feeding ana I didn't even realise that Harry and Niall were sitting in the stands as well. They were talking not to loud but i could here what was being said. I wanted to know about what so I listened in on their conversation. " did you ask her?" Harry asked Niall " yeah... To dinner" Niall said " was that what you really wanted to ask her?" "No not at all" he said disappointed a bit "well what did you wanna ask her?" Harry knowing the answer he just wanted to hear it from him "to ask her out but like I got nervous" " so you just ask her to dinner? Are you gonna ask her then?" Harry asked "I don't know man. I want to but ill probably get nervous again" Niall said be honest and his honesty hurt me knowing that he likes me like that and wants to ask me out but just so nervous to. "Why are you so nervous?" Harry asked " I'm just afraid someone like her isn't going to fall for me and she'll say no" "Niall!" Harry said quiet loud "how on earth do you not know she likes you? You know if she didn't shed be one stupid ass person because your one of the best lads I know! I bet you she likes you just as much as you like her" Harry said " do you really think she does?" Niall questioned taking a glance at me " I do" Harry said. Niall came over and sat right down next to me. " hello love" he said looking over my shoulder as I finish feeding ana. Ana reached her arms out to him and picked her up. She hugged him,and started talking to him soon she started falling asleep in his arms. " shes getting tired" Niall whispered. "let her fall asleep before I take her home so she can go to sleep" i said. " you know we can go to my flat and lay her down and then watch the tv....right?" he asked " i know" i said. Ana soon fell asleep " do youi wanna just take her to my flat or take her to your house?" niall asked " i take it you wanna go to your flat" i said seeing he really wants to go to his flat. "kinda" he smiled a bit." alright lets go" i said he smiled standing up carefully with ana still in his arms, I grabbed her bag and niall and i headed for his flat. When we got there he unlocked the door and went straight upstairs and laid ana in his bed. I closed the door and sat on the couch. Niall came back down and sat next to me. " so for this dinner its kinda like a" i said with a smile "yeah lets call it date." he said with a smile " and on this date whee are we going?" i asked so when i left i could find somthing to wear. " well" he started " all im going to say is make sure you have your bathing suit" he chuckled " well that totally helps me" i said sarcasticlly. " i can't give it away" niall said. " darn" i said and pouted. He hugged me "no no don't you pout" he said in a funny voice making me laugh. " lets watch some movies" he said " alrighty funny movies?" i asked " sure" he put in a random movies and we laughed through the whole thing. Ana came unning down the stairs a few mnutes before the movie was over. My auntie calleed me "hello" i said "im done with work meet me at the park please" my auntie said " alright will do" i said as she hung up the phone. "ana, ready to go see your mum?" i asked " no" she said " ana yo have to come on" i got up and grabbed her bag off the table she came running over to me " he tome to?" she asked pointing to niall "you want niall to come too?" " yah ni" she said " ill come too dont worry ana" niall said. Niall,ana,and me walked to the park. My auntie was alredy there waiting for us,we walked over to her. " was she good?" my auntie asked " a doll " i said " thats great. When i need a babysitter can i call you?" she asked me " of coarse you can!" i said " alrighty well we better get going." she said "bye auntie. Bye ana" i said " aye " ana said she ran to niall and put her arms up he picked her up and she hugged him " aye ni" she said giggling " bye" he said setting her down. my auntie took her hand and they walked to her car and drove off. " niall im going to head home." i said "okay. pick you up at 8" he said i had my number on a piece of paper and handed it to him. " here soi can tell you where i live " i said before running home. Once i got home i went striat to my room noticing that mum had unpacked the boxes that i didnt unpack yet. I looked through my things and found a dress and some shoes and my bathing suit. Niall texted me and i gave him my adress and we were just talking about random things. i walked down stairs joinging my mum on the couch. " well hello" my mum said. " hello" i said " where have you been thse pass few days?" " with niall" i said. " really? honey thats great!" she said knowing how much i liked him before i actaully met him now my love growing for him even more. " yeah hes a nice boy" i said " he is and i hope things work out so you can be his" she said hitting my shoulder. My mum was so supportive with everything and i cant believe she actually wants us to date! Mum and me joke around and watch tv and play games and run around the house. when i realised it was 7:45 i hurried up stiars and changed into my swim suit first and then my dress and sandals and bradies my hair and put it in a bun like. it was finally 8 and then there was a knock down stais my mum ansered " hello" she said " hi miss cole" niall said " hello niall" " is dakota here?" he asked " she is come on in" my mum said. niall walked in and stood there " dakota come down here" my mum called i knew why i rushed down stairs. "sorry it took so long " i said " its okay love" niall said. " mum if i dont come home i just with niall" i said "alrighty my mum said. niall and i got into his car and he drove with the windows dow and trhe music alittle to loud. We laughed and sang along unitl we pulled into what looked to be like a parking lot with no one there but us. Niall got out and opened my door and closed it he out his hands on my eyes unexpectiedly. " niall i can't see" i said "thats the point " he said with a chuckle. We walked for awhile and i could tell there was sand being it got on my sandlas and niall was kinda kicking said at me when he took a step, we soon stopped and he took his hands off my eyes. When i could see i seen a table set for two surrounded by candles and a few things with flames in it and a little cooler with i was guessing champagne. ( this is my dress,swim suit, niall how he looked when he picked me up,swim suit , and palying in the water. and what the table and candle light looked like) ( We sat down and started eating. " niall this is beautful!" i said " its all for you and only you" he said looking away from me. i got up so is eyes were locked with mine. " why did you say that and not look at me?" i asked "cuz uh i uh.......................................


Cliffhanger! i hope you really like! thoughts? and what do you think niall's gonna say?

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