The awful truth-chaptet 18

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A half hour later I landed in Dublin, and as I was looking around I seen my grand mum waiting for me. I walked over to her "hello grand mum" I said "hello sweetie. Mum explained everything to me better than what you said"my grand mum said referring to when I told her about me being pregnant and needing a place to stay. "Come on let's get you home" she continued. I grabbed my bags and followed my grand mum. It took about 2 hours to get from the airport to her house. I feel asleep about an hour into the drive, when I woke up I knew we were so close to being to her house I remember this place like the back of my hand. And not that I wanted to be back here but what was I going to do? Where would I go? I mean I knew one thing I had to do was tell Maura I wasn't leaving her out of this,she was going to know and if she told Niall well she did but I truly didn't want her to and I know her well enough that she won't. We finally got to my grand mums house. We got out and I grabbed by bags and followed my grand mum into her house. "Honey, you can sleep in the guest room" "okay" I said, I walked to the room and set my bags at the end of the bed on the floor. I walk back out "do know if Maura is home?" I asked "she should be" "okay. I'm going to go over there..okay?" "Fine with me honey don't stay to long" "okay" I walked out and over Maura's. I knocked on the door and in a few minutes Maura answered the door. "Hello Dakota haven't seen you in awhile. what are you doing here?" Maura asked "I just came over to talk to you about something" I said looking at the ground. " Well come on in and have a seat." I walk in and sit on the couch. "Would you like some tea?" Maura asked. "No thank you" I said. "Alright" Maura came an sat a crossed from me on the other couch. "What is it that you wanted to tell me?" " well you know how I've never met Niall before and I've only met you?" I asked "of coarse honey because when you stayed with your grand mum you never came over when he was home and when you seen me love it was because I came over to your grand mums house" Maura said "well a few weeks ago being mum and me moved to London" I wasn't looking her in the eyes I just couldn't do it and tell her "I met your son. We got close as friends and all and then we started dating and" I continued. " and what?" Maura asked "and........


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