The awful truth-chapter 36

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The awful truth-chapter 36

My P.O.V

I sighed knowing my choice of what I would do, as much a I hated the fact of it, I knew I had to. I had to do what was right. " listen I......I will go.......if you know things go right..b-" I got cut off my Louis " please no buts, it's going to be fine, and if you need to leave and come home I will pay for a plane so you can come home." " okay...." I said with a sigh. "The boys and I have everything planned out then, all you need to do is look amazing,like always, but extra amazing for this, and then hand us Landon for awhile and then we will leave you and Niall alone." Harry said " Harry, if my child comes back saying anything weird, or something he's not supposed to say I will and I mean I will hurt you" I said " why are you putting this all on me?" Harry asked " because your the one who said it" I said "okay, it's not my responsibility to make sure they don't say something." Harry said "well now it is" I said. "Fine" Harry said. " we have to go, so we'll tell you were to met us tomorrow" Louis said "okay" I said. I watched as Louis said his goodbyes to Landon and got up,along with the others and walked out of the door,leaving Landon and I in silence. Landon and I spent the rest of the night watching movies,eating,and playing.

Louis' P.O.V

We left Dakotas house a bit satisfied with ourselves. When we got back to the room, we found that Niall was on the balcony. I stood in the door way the boys behind me. " Niall?" I said, he turned his head to look at me. "Yeah?" He said " can we talk to you?" I said "sure" he said. We walked out onto the balcony. "So what do you want to talk about?" Niall asked " well, we wanted to do something for you" Liam said hesitantly. " what was this something?" He questioned " I'm going to be straightforward with you, Liam saw you upset figured out it had something to do with you and Dakota, told us, we just came from her flat because we wanted to do something for you two to maybe make things better again" Harry said. " why did you guys do that?" Niall said a little angry." We had too!" Liam exclaimed " no you didn't I could fix it on my own" Niall said hastily. " no you couldn't!" Harry said. Niall got up and started to walk out from the balcony, I stopped him. " listen Niall, you couldn't do it and you know it! You knew you couldn't stop her from leavening 2 years ago and you know you can't stop her from leavening again! You know it! That's why your taking this so hard! But as brothers we do anything for you" I said. Niall sat back into his seat, his face now glum and full of sorrow. " I'm sorry I should be like this I should be great full you did that for me. Thank you. I am truly great full thank you" he said

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