The awful truth-chapter 28

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Niall's P.O.V

I took a step closer. All I want to do is be able to press my hands to her checks and kiss her, to run my hands threw her hair, to wake up to her laying next to me. I just want us back. "Dakota"" Niall"she said " I still love you, I haven't even thought about anyone but you for the past 2 years I truly love you" I said "Niall, I-I-I-I still love you but...."She trailed off. "But what?" I asked "but us, us is different now. If things do happen with us things wont go back to the way they were before everything will be so different" she said" why would they be different?" I asked " because theres....."She trailed off again. "There's what?" I asked "theres someone you've never met" she said not looking at me. " and who is this person I've never met?"I asked ' all I'm going to say is his names Landon" she said "boyfriend?" I asked "no" she said "then who is he?" She turned to walk away she got to the door before turning back to me with tears streaming down her face, "Niall he's our son" is all she said before leaving. I have a son? Since when. Is she making crazy shit up? Or is this real? I stood there in complete shock, before I realised I have a son and my sons mum is just walking away no other explanation. I went to go look in the street to see if she was still in the streets nothing she was gone.....again.

My P.O.V

I stood out on the porch a bit before walking in the house, by the looks on there faces they could tell I've been crying. "what's wrong sweetie?" My mum said " I-I-I told Him about Landon" I said. There was a slight gasp from everyone in the room. "you told Niall why would you do that?" Liam asked "Liam I couldn't keep that from him it was the first time I've actually been face to face with him and I couldn't take keeping his own son from him, no I didn't sit and chat about Landon with him I told him he had a son and left" I said "but you shouldn't have" zayn said "you should have waited a while"Harry said. "Guys calm down we all know none of us could hold it inside for much longer, she had every right to tell him, it is her choice when she wanted him to know not yours, I know as her mum it's extremely hard to keep it in, I see Niall everyday at work. It's not the easiest task in the world. There was so many times I wanted to tell him, was there you harry? And you Dom?"My mum asked " there was but I didn't because of her, I guess your right, it's her choice and I guess it's a good thing she told him now"Harry said. "Well what now?" Dom asked "I'm not sure dom. But I'm going to go home, Landon say bye to grand mum and auntie Dom" I said " your gonna let me be the aunt?"Dom asked e yeah I am" I smiled. Landon hugged them, "wa out em?"Landon asked pointing to the boys, "well honey, if the boys want they can come back to the flat with us or since it's 5 they should go back to their hotel but it is there choice" I said to Landon. "Well we probably should get back to the hotel" Liam said " alright Landon go hug your uncles" I said. He went and hugged them. They left as well as I did. Before Landon and I went back to our new flat we went to nandos. "Landon, mummy will be right back okay? I have to go get our food alright" "ight mummy. Andos ummy" Landon said realising where we were. I turned the car off and grabbed the keys from the engine, I got out and locked it, and pressed the starter key so the car pre-started so Landon didn't get to hot or anything. I went in and waited in line.

Niall's P.O.V

After the whole Starbucks thing and after I preformed a few more songs I decided to go to nandos to just get some takeout and head home, as I was walking I looked into a car and seen a little boy in the car he was happy and playing with a toy he had, he reminded me of me, was that Landon? My son? I walked in and seen Dakota, she had just gotten her food and was walking out I had to know. "Dakota" " yeah" " is that my son in that car" I asked pointing to the car "..........


Hope you like it!

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