You pissed me off

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 Oh well! Ok, after a week of waiting. I am finnaly back to my home were i have my other computer. Sorry it took so long. Let{s not keep you waiting.



"FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF-" (Y|N) was cut of because of the lack of air. " I need to move out of the country, change my name, dye my hair pink and get a new name. 'Elisa'? no, 'Anna, maybe? Ema'? i like it, but no........." The (H|C) haired girl continued to ramble on. In the mean time, BEN sat at the other side of the room, watching as his friend rambled about what she was going to do. Luckily, he heard a car approaching the house and quickly jumped into her phone and watched the scene from there. (Y|N) noticed this and started freaking out and looking around the room for something to save her. her eyes landed on the bed. She quickly threw off her shoes and jumped into bed and hide herself between the covers just in time. The door was slammed open and in came a hyper America, both south and north Italia on tail. " She is-a sleeping" snapped Lovino. " You-a can leave-a now" he continued. But the American was too exited because he gets to meet a famous killer! (Lulu~ I wouldn't. I would probably freak out. But in the inside i would want to take a selfie with him.... Are you still reading this? continue! I said continue! DO NOT READ, DONT READ THIS!!!! WHY ARE YOU STILL HERE?! You little rebel, i like u). He started poking her in the cheek until his hand was slapped off by one pissed off creepypasta. Bad idea. And then hell broke lose. BEN jumped out of the phone, laughing his ass off, America was Fangirling at the sight of the two famouse killers, Lovino looked like he was about to explode, Feliciano didn't have the faintest idea of what was going on and (Y|N) was glaring daggers at Alfred. If only looks could kill.... *sigh*. After a few minutes of madness, everyone calmed down and took a seat on The edge of the bed. Nobody spoke up. "Sup" BEN said, breaking the akward silence. (YN) glared darkly at him,"Are you kidding me?!". The glich smiled nervously. God knew how bad you were when someone angered you. He probably should start calling the ambulance. " We have just been discovered!!!! Boss will kill us!!!" screamed (YN) while shaking the poor boy. America suddenly started shaking the ( HC) haired girl. "DUDE, YOU HAVE TO LET ME MEET HIM!!!!!". The girl ripped his hands off her soulder and shook her head. "HELL NO!!!" She said, making the American country pout cutely. . "Why not?!". The rest of the people watched in amusement as the female crossed her arms and looked right. "You pissed me off". The man dropped on his knees and screamed in rage at the cealing.


i would have written more but i am going to bed after a sleepless night. Bye!

Fox Girl ~Creepypasta x Reader x Hetalia~Where stories live. Discover now