I'm a country~ part 1~

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(3 POV)

"Ludwig!" The teen shouted and rushed over to the confused german man. (Y|N) gripped both sides of his strange military-like outfit and pulled him down so as to be at the same eye level. "I need your help!"

In the end, when she arrived home, Feliciano and loving were missing and the house was left a mess. Three single throwing knifes were stuck on the country. So now, here she was, getting help from her brothers friend.

He pulled back but failed when she tightened my grip on him. He finally gave up and motioned for her to go on. " It's Feli and Lovi! They were kidnapped " (Y|N) said, tears threatened to fall from her teary (E|C) eyes. He froze and then proceeded to place his big hands on my shoulders."Vat happened?" He questioned her.

England, who was not so far from both of them, overheard the (H|C) teen. His eyes widened and slowly walked towards both of them. " Kidnapped, dear?" He pipped in.

(Y|N) quickly nodded and explained them what had happened since she arrived at her cousin's house. England and Germany shared worried looks. They had a pretty good idea of who were behind this. The girl noticed their worried looks. It didn't take long for her to realise they knew something. "Who did it...?" She trailed of as England sighed and extended his hand. "Come, love. We have some explaining to do." The english man said. (Y|N) hesitate to touch his hand, but did anyways.

The three-no, FOUR entered the building. Apparently, Japan was there the hole time, but dear (Y|N) didn't noticed. There was a large round table, almost as big as the one back at the mansion, were many people were sat around. Most of them were fighting or discussing with the one next to them. A blond man approached the group. It was France, who didn't hesitate to approach England. "Well if it isn't the black sheep of England." He said, causing England to bare his teeth at him. (Y|N) looked around, analysing the group of people in the room. "And who is this lovely lady?" France purred as he stared at the (H|C) teenager. The said girl snapped her heat towards him and glared darkly at him, enough to scare him. The other countries in the room senses the dark energy the teen was emitting and soon find themselves starring at both of them.

America grinned and hug-takled the poor girl , who now instead of a glare, was turning purple because of the lack of oxygen. "(Y|N)! nice to see you, dude!" America cheered as he was ripped of the teen by Germany. Now it was clear the other couturies were more than confused.

"Who is this dame (Lady)?" France asked, gripping the hand of the still recovering girl. "Italy's and Romano's cousin" America answered. Well, that was some news for the others. They haven't had the faintest idea that the pasta loving brothers had a cousin.

(Y|N) sighed and crossed her arms over her chest. "I think we have better things to discuss, such as who kidnapped my cousins." She said emotionlessly. The rest of the countries froze. Now this were even bigger news.

"First things First, love. To understand the reasons why they were kidnapped, you must know who your family are." England said, as he took a seat and motioned the teen to move closer. "Arthur-" Ludwig interrupted them only to be cut off by England. "The lady deserves to know."

Now (Y|N) was confused. Her cousins were normal pasta-loving Italians, right? nothing out of the ordinary, so what was this man talking about?.

"Your cousins are the personifications of North and South Italy." Japan dead palmed. Cue to mind blown in:




"WHAT?!" the teen shouted in confusion. (Y|N) have never heard anything like it and was screaming random words inside her head because of such a lie."They are the country itself as in human body." France explained as he played with her (H|C) hair. Her brain was screaming in pain as she tried to push all the information inside. 'Ok.......' she thought and frowned. She stared at the rest who had now returned to what they were doing before she had arrived at the meeting room. "I suppose they are too......?" she trailed off. Germany nodded,

"I'm Germany."

"England, love"









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