I'm a killer~ part 2~

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 Again, watch out for gore at the start .



Without a second thought, the female lunged at him. Only this time, she wasn't targeting him with that specific knife. Instead, the girl transformed out of her disguise and into 'Fox girl' form midair. He managed to block the creepypasta's attack, but she had another thing up her sleeve. As if in slow motion, the (Brunette or ravens or something) hided the knife she had hided at the back of her skirt that morning and turned over her heals and manage to successfully stab Luciano on his left side. The speed she used made it impossible for him, or anyone at that, to doge or block. He placed his hand over his wound and flinched as (Y|N) raised her hand holding the bloody dagger, threatening to bring it down any minute. He should have known better. (Y|N) used the other hand and stabbed Luciano right in the chest, just above the heart. A distant cry from the bleeding Italian alerted the other people in the room. Most of their eyes widened at the sight. Never had they thought the girl they just meet an hour or four ago had turned into that. America gasped like a child on Christmas eve and shouted, "I knew (Y|N) was a Creepypasta!"

Luciano coughed up some blood and fell on his knees. (Y|n) was enjoying herself at the sight of blood. She had surely missed it. She kicked him to the ground and put pressure on his chest, preventing air to come in. After a few minutes he slowly fell unconscious as he slowly bleed to death. I grinned in a sadistic way and turned to the other 2p Nations. In matter of minutes-SECONDS, I had them all unconscious or curled up like babies.

The 1p nations early stared in horror at the bloody bodies in front of the young female. They were utterly terrified of her next move.

(Y|N) managed to regain the least bit of sanity and fell on her knees. A giggle erupted from her throat. She did it, and all by herself. In a matter of seconds, she bursted into an insane fit of laughter as she hugged her stomach. Finally getting a full grasp of sanity, she stood up and brushed her skirt. Only now did she notice the stares of the men. Her eyes went wide as she slowly turned around in shock. How could she forget they were there.

Her eyes traveled from eye to eye until they landed on the two scared Italian brothers, causing them to scream in terror, 'Don't hurt us!'. The sight broke her tiny heart like her parents did. They were scared of her. A single tear rolled down her cheek as she muttered over and over again, each time louder, "I'M SORRY!"

Feliciano and Lovino stopped at the sight of their family member on her knees, begging for forgiveness. Lovino speed forward, but was held back by Spain, "Lovino, no!". Feliciano, run past his brother and threw his arms around the crying girls, ignoring Germany's cries. "Don't cry, Cugino (Cousin)!"

(Y|N)'s eyes softened as she wrapped her arms strongly around the young nation. They both cried, on louder than the other. Lotions eyes softened as he escaped the spaniard's grip and rushed to join the rest of his family.

England, Russia, China, Germany and Japan recovered first. Some even smiled at the heartwarming site, completely forgetting the fact that this girl almost murdered their most hated enemies. Spain and Prussia recovered next as they joined the other allies and axis as they exit the old factory to wait outside.

After a few minutes of silence they pulled out and smiled at each other. Something strange coming form Romano, but it soon turned back to his usual frown. "You have some explaining to do, Bella"

They girl smirked, "I could say the same thing, Cugino"

----------------------------------------(Meanwhile, Outside the factory)--------------------------------------

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 21, 2015 ⏰

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