I'm a killer~ part 1~

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  "So....This is it?" i asked.


"Then lets go." i said as i pushed one the broken door of the old abandoned factory. We were instantly overwhelmed by a rotten scent, forcing us to cover our noses in a vain attempt to prevent the smell to get in our respiration sistem.

"Is England's black sheep scared?"

"...V...e..."' What's that?'

"Shut up, you wanker!"

"...V..e...." 'Again?'


"...Ve....." 'It sounds like....'

"Sei ruhig! (Shut up!), you are ruining my awesome ears!"


"Don't fight, aru"


"Jaja! I bet i would beat all of you, 'cause i'm the hero!"

"Ve...." 'It is...!'


"Shut it, old man!"

"You Little-!"

"STOP SHOUTING!" My scream boomed through all the hallway and had sucsesfully silenced the group of men behind me. The stared at me before catching the sound of a faint 'Ve' coming from down the hallway. It was surely them, or atleast Fel-North Italy. Man, i need to get use to this....

I run down the hallwa, the others hot on my tail. I kicked opne the metal door, causing a few of the nations flinch, and then cautiosly entred the factory's main room. Old matching which looked way older than myself wer lined up against one of the dull covelstone walls. Calbles hanged from the metal cealing, ocasionaly sprking back to life and dieng the next second. Tiny water drops fell from somewere in the cealing every now and then, making a faint noise. My head snapped to the left side of the room, where a loud sobs came from. "There they are, Love" England said.

The Italian brothers were tied up and against the Wall. Feliciano was a sobbing mess while Lovino sheded a few tears. I grinned and rushed to their side. I didn't waist any time in wrapping my arms around them and hugging them tightly enought to not hurt them.

"Ve~! You-a came!" Feli cheered.

"Of course i did!" i replied just as cheerful as him.

"What ever..." Lovi grunted making me giggle.

It was good to have them back. Now, to buisness. They better show themselves, 'cause someone is going to die. I sneaked my hand inside my left pocket and took out the pocket knife i hide inside before we came here. My eyes roamed around the room until they landed on blood red ones. The man's appearence resembled Italy's one, but still held a few diferrences. His hair and skin were a darker clouler and, im prettey sure, my cousin doesn't have red eyes. The moon's light suddely reflexed a sharp knife in his hand. The man smirked before speaking,

"You-a finally came. Bella~" The man beamed as a creepy grin appreared on his face. I glared at him, but that only made his grin expand. "Don't-a be like that-a"

"Who are you?!" i asked, my grip on Feliciano and Lovino tightened. The man laughed, making Feli squeak and hug me tighter. "How silly of me, Bella. I'm Luciano. Your dear Feli's 2p".

I gasped. That's why he looked so much like him!

"Back off, dude! or the hero will have to stop you!" Alfred stepped in front of me protectively. The others soon followed suit and shielded us three from Luciano. Ivan suddenly took out his pipe out of his coat as he laughed.

"Sono qui ancora, fratello? (Are they here yet?)" an unknown voice spoke from behind us. Just like Luciano, he resembled Lovino. 2p Lovino? i guess. His eyes widened as he finally took notice of us. "Dio mio! fratello!, why didn't you-a tell me they-a were here."

His brother face palmed and then glared at him. "Non dovresti essere qui , idiota! (You are not supposed to be here, idiot!). Ti avevo detto di stare alla base! (I told you to stay at the base!)" he screamed at the other man. Two other men joined him. One was a bit taller than him. He had black hair that matched his blood red eyes and pale skin. He wore a Chines-like black attire. The other man was tall and well built. He had a black shirt with a jacker over it, covering his arms. Pants and combat boots. This man had blond hair and violet eyes.

The other countries-apart from Italy, Romano and i- looked confused at the two bickering brothers. They clearly didn't understand a word that came out of the two brother's mouth.

-------------------FROM THIS POINT FOWARD, THERE WILL BE SOME SWEARING AND GORE---------------------------


"What the f*ck are you waiting for!" another unfamiliar voice said. This time, a guy wit tan skin, dark brown hair with a red tint to it and blood red eyes that were covered by sunglasses walked into the room. He wore a bomber jacket with a white shirt underneath, jeans and combat boots. A bat full of nails rested on his shoulder. Soon, three more people joined him. One of them was a strawberry blond man, with baby blue eyes and freckles all over his face. He wore a purple vest with a pink shirt underneath and light brown pants. A small cute blue bow tie adorned his neck. His huge eyebrows gave him away as Arthur's 2p. He notice my gaze and grinned from ear to ear. "Hello, poppet~!"

The next man could pass of as Canada if it weren't for his purple eyes and the long shoulder lengthened hair. He wore shades, a patterned shirt and jeans with combat boots. The same strange curl was also present on his head. Ok, is it me or does everyone have red or purple eyes?

"Kesesesese~" Prussia laughed. "The awesome me will defeat you with my awesomeness!"

I turned my head in his direction. "Oh, hell no! if someone is kicking their asses that will be ME!" i shouted back as i moved forward to attack 'Luciano', pulling out my knife and staying him in the arm in the process. He gritted his teeth and smirked. "You ready, Bella?~"

I nodded and lunged at him once more. In a matter of seconds he had me pinned to the ground. He chuckled darkly and brushed the tip of his knife against my cheek, drawing some blood. "Stupid little girl-a, you thought you-a could beat me? Poor Bella~".

My cold gaze locked with his insane one as he continued insulting me. I had not been paying attention and was instead watching the other's fight. At this rate, we would surely lose against them. Unless i get in my other form. I closed my eyes, 'If it is the only option.'

"Are-a you listening, Bella?!"

"Are you ok?!"



"Good for nothing!"




"Do me-a a favour and die~"


'Then so be it'

I snapped my eyes open and pushed Luciano off me, using inhuman strength. I slowly stood up, hair falling over my eyes as i laughed insanely. No going back now. I snapped my head upwards, uncovering my now amber eyes full of bloodlust and death desire.


Yeah, i guess i forgot to mention they change colour when you transform.....

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