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• There will be three players. One from Hogwarts, one from Durmstrang and one from Beauxbatons.

• Your character must not be preexisting, but other characters can, if you want them to. The other characters can be in this universe.

• Each contender will send in a profile for their player using the form located in the next chapter.

• They will send that form in to me at this email:

• Then there will be four writing challenges, three writing about the tasks of the tournament, and one writing about the selection of players.

These will not be the same challenges as in the series!

Each challenge will dictate the place of each player.

• 1st place will have the most helpful rewards when writing the final challenge, then second place will have some rewards, then third place will have no rewards.

• Whoever wins the final challenge wins the competition!

• There will be no elimination.

So get your quills out, and check out the form on the next page!

The Tri-Author Tournament {Closed}Where stories live. Discover now