Bonus Task 1

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You stand, teetering at the edge of a line. Lines aren't so bad, you think, trying vainly to comfort the pounding heart in your chest. They are simple, geometrical figures. The line in front of you just happens to glow with a faint gold light. Golden light should seem encouraging, right? Light, a symbol of purity and hope. Gold, a symbol of richness and confidence. You aren't sure confidence applies to your sweating palms, but you try to ignore that. Inside the line lies a simple wooden goblet with a deep blue a fire inside. Inside your pocket lies a simple piece of parchment with your name scrawled on it in shaky handwriting. Everything should be simple, right? It shouldn't be a big deal. Your quivering fingertips disagree, but you ignore them too. Instead, you stare the grandeur that fills the Great Hall. When you win, you'll have enough money to make your mother's shabby little cottage look like the room around you. You'll be able to give her everything she's ever dreamed about, like she tried to do for you. Well, you tell yourself, the only way to get closer to that future is to step your foot across that line. So you do. Taking in a deep breath, you pull the parchment from you pocket. Exhaling tenderly, you place the parchment in the fire. Simple.


+ Task: For this task, you will write about being selected for the tri-wizard tournament. You could go from the great hall to being selected to being told the details, or you could end it directly after being selected, or start earlier in the day, however you decide to do it. You may want to mention something about entering your name, particularly if you you found a way around the age-line or something significant happened.

+ Bonuses Challenge: You must integrate 2nd person into the entry at some point. The entire entry doesn't have to be entirely second person, but at least one part should be. (Second person is when the author talks to the reader/the reader is the character - it uses "you") You can express this through narration, straight internal monologue to reader, or using the reader as the character, or however else you want to incorporate it! Be creative, and if this is unclear to you feel free to message me!

+ Scoring: Though I will of course read all of it and give feedback, the entry will not be scored as a whole, but the best in the following categories will get bonus points/1 task sponsorships to help with the rest of the game. You may earn best in more than one category, or some categories may not be awarded at all, if no entry really appeals to them.

           • Most Creative Overall - 3 points
           • Most Creative Bonus Challenge Solution - 3 points
           • Best Characterization  -  2 points
           • Most Engrossing - 2 points
           • Best Descriptions - 1 point
           • Best Dialogue - 1 point

Word Count:
           • Max: 3,000 words

Due Date:
           • 7:00 pm (EST) May 22, 2017
(If you would like to see the due date in a specific time zone, feel free to message me!)

Have fun with these, and if you have any questions at all, PM me or comment!

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